Regional News
29 Rohingya villages burnt and over 7 lacs flee Myanmar

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- The Rohingya Muslim problem is becoming acutely critical and cumbersome day by day with 10 to 20 thousand battered men, women and children leaving Rakhine province of Myanmar on Daily basis and heading towards Bangladeshm. Thousands of refugees in extremely sorry state are still stranded at the border town Tefnak and Bangladesh’ s cox bazaar being fed by various social and philanthrophic organisations like UNHCR and sikh body called Khalsa India etc. Hundreds of them are sick and injured with total dearth of medical aid and medicines.
- This seems to be a worst ethinic cleansing in Myanmar in the recent times with the Army and the police literally burning the Rohingya dominated villages and inflicting injuries on old aged, young, women and children. The situation has gone so much out of hand that apart from the United Nations Secretary General Antanio, the US Secretary of state Mark Tillerson has also condemned these anti Rohingya riots in Myanmar and held its political administration and leadership directly responsible for such a dastardly killings and throwing out of the sick and injured populace out of the muslim dominated province Rakhine.
- The Americans, the Amnesty International and the UN authorities have the satellite pictures clearly showing the burning villages of Rohingya Muslims by the Myanmar army and police with the intent to pre- strategically deport them out of the Buddhist dominated Myanmar. The noble laureate and the undisputed leader of Myanmarese Buddhists Aung Sang Kyi has also been reprimanded by the US and UN saying that though she is still revered and held in high esteem by them being the Noble laureate but since now things are going out of control, she being the official counselor in the government should impartially and fairly help in distinguishing the fire of the ongoing trecherous ethnic cleansing.
- It has now become intolerable and against the tenets of humanitarian values. The charisma of Aung Sang Kyi, once the champion of human rights during the 50 year old military rule in Myanmar seems to have vanished and faded out, said the UN officials. Meanwhile, the Amnesty International has also stepped in and has accused the Myanmar’ s political rulers for pre-strategically and conspiratorially helping the police and military in physically torturing and eliminating the Rohingyas from their land including burning their 29 villages with mortars and rocket launchers.
- So far, according to the latest estimates of the injured and terror stricken Rohingyas who’ ve left Rakhine province of Myanmar in desperation is 6 to 7 lakhs, where as the total population of the Rohingya Muslims is estimated to nearly 11 lakhs. The Rohingya Muslim Myanmar Buddhst crisis has its roots since 1982 since when the minority muslims were debarred of Myanmar citizenship however the clashes and bloodbath gained actual momentum on 25th August when Arakan Rohinga Salvation Army attacked several police posts at the border, destroyed them and killed 20 of the Myanmar guards.