
Politics is usually said to be the last game of scoundrels. But to me this saying, proverb or adjective( whatever you call it) it still sounds bad and undesirable as I am of the firm opinion that politics should rather be a platform of good, nice, ethical and transparent people instead of scoundrels as they ( politicians) are the one who actually rule the country , guide and shape the destiny of the largest democracy of the world. India got freedom from the colonial rulers due the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and leaders like father of the Nation Gandhiji, revolutioneries like Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose and umpteen other leaders who later on guided and shaped India’s destiny.
But why is it that the political fraternity that gave us independence after so much of sacrifices and finally took India to new heights of development earlier known as freedom fighters then leaders and now politicians are now expeditiously loosing their reputation and respect. Corruption, red tapism, favoritism, pro capitalism, money laundering, black marketing, anything that is untrustworthy and major domination of criminals and criminalism in Indian politics has actually changed its entire character. Parliament and state legislatures and elected bodies at the decentralised level of governance as well are not devoid or bereft of criminals or politicians with suspected and dubious anticedents.
The character of the major part of our pious political system has taken the shape of suspicion, unethical and highly unconstitutional practices with people carrying highly literate and intellectual educational background, expertise and reputation too are speaking the uncalled for language of the illeterates vindicating the fears about our polity’s highly degradable standards. If a former union minister, a veteran journalist and once Rajiv Gandhi’s closest friend Mani Shankar Ayyer can stoop so low to call the prime minister of the country a NEECH publicly and than instead of apologising for his deliberate blunder try to vindicate his bad, highly uncalled for and ugly utterances then we can definitely arrive at the conclusion that the political standards in India are at its lowest ebb and its really shameful. However, thanks and tons of gratitudes to Congress Vice president Rahul Gandhi who without any sort of inordinate delay took no time to deplore his own party senior leader’s bad mouthing against PM of the country and suspended Mani Shankar from the primary membership of the party with a show cause notice and also asking him to apologise publicly for his deliberate blunder.
It may be recalled that Mani Shanker Aiyyer is Rahul’s dad’s one time closest friend who’d been with Rajiv Gandhi during his thick and thin but despite all this, Rahul being the prime minister Modi’s ardent and arch rival wasted no time to show Mani Shankar Ayyer the door by suspending him from the primary membership of the party and also pressurising him to seek apology for his unethical act against the PM.
This strong decision on the part of Rahul Gandhi clearly emphasises the point that the Gandhi Nehru family scion and the would be president of the Congress Party is not at all in the mood to either accept psycophancy, arrogance, misconduct, indescipline or bad mouthing by any leader in his party even against its political rivals nor is he likely to tolerate hooliganism in the party, any more. Such a strong shock treatment to veteran leader Mani Shankar Aiyyer will go a long way in sending a good message amongst the party cadres and leaders who believe in arrogance and unethical behaviour and dictatorial style of functioning within the Congress party? The BJP leadership should also take cue from Rahul Gandhi’s example of expediency in taking action against Mani Shanker Aiyyer and follow suit by giving up its hypocritical style of functioning and take similar action against its fanatic leaders as well who in the name of religious fundamentalism repeatedly issue highly objectionable communal statements putting the position of the party leadership and prime minister Modi in quandary. It may be recalled that from Doon School, he dabbled in journalism, most of his active life was spent as an Indian Foreign Services officer….and yes, post retirement (as the article begins) went where most scoundrels like to end…in Politics! finally, good riddance of bad-stuff!