Healthy Living
A study says that talking to a nurse can help patients quit smoking
Want to quit smoking and have also tried several but unable to leave this bad habit tobacco intake. Do not worry a new study has been done on this topic in which it was found that hospitalization is the perfect time to help people quit smoking.
A professor from the Ohio State University, Sonia Duffy said that when people are hospitalized and motivated by Nurses to quit by explaining the harms of smoking on health and slow healing process.
According to this study if a patient no matter why he has been hospitalized has a small talk with a trained nurse may help to kick the cigarette butt. This study also showed that quit rate became almost double when trained nurse talked to the patient and explained why the patient should not smoke anymore. In this study 528 patients from five different community hospitals in the United States were looked at self- reported and lab confirmed quit rates 6 months after discharge.
Those people who had been treated at 3 of the hospitals and undergone a one hour training session on how to help people quit smoking had met with nurse at-least once.
In this case nurses and other hospital staff were trained to make sure that patients got the required help to quit smoking. Whether nicotine gums, nicotine patches or any other prescribed medicine they had every option so that when they left they had everything to combat this habit.
Duffy further told that after 6 months pf their release, 16.5 % of the smokers from the intervention hospitals said they had quit as compared to 5.7% from the other hospitals. Interaction between Nurse and patient in the programme worked well and called tobacco tactics lasted about nine minutes.
She said that if smokers in tobacco tactic hospitals agreed to try then the nurse worked with a doctor to make sure they had whatever tools were best suited for this type of addiction. In this programme nurses will undergo a programme in which some strategies will be taught that help smokers quit smoking.