A True Friend Is An Invaluable Blessing

“A friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies”
~ Aristotle
Google defines the term ‘Friendship’ as the feeling of being in a state of friendly relation or as an attachment to a person, or between persons. However, it is a term that has a much deeper meaning and rather can’t be defined in a few words. It is an enjoyable journey which not only helps us to discover our own selves but also to look at things from other’s perspectives. Not only this, but it is also similar to a rollercoaster ride of emotions, wherein each of the phase teaches us a different lesson in life.

Happy Friendship Day!
In today’s mundane and fast-paced life, many people vouch to speak and be vocal but seldom are those who wish to listen. Today, even amongst the most lively extroverts and part mongers, there would be a considerable amount of people are hidden behind the layers of masks and often feel lonely deep within. And that’s is exactly why a true friend is a necessity of life.
Be it a heartbreak or a moment of joy, be it getting drunk or loving secretly, be it binge-watching or mood-swings, a friend is someone to whom you can go unmasked, without the fear of judgment. He/she is that person in your life who knows you inside out and you are comfortable in his/her presence to share your deepest secrets and unwind yourself. It is that person who won’t just wish you a birthday or an anniversary but would make sure you feel special that day and will always nurture your true self.

So if you have somebody like this in your life, then do consider yourself privileged as not everyone gets a person to vent out the all-day-long stress, stories, emotions, and whatnot with ease and comfortability. Be thankful for the fact that even if he/she cannot be the guiding light in your darkest times, their companionship would always be your strength. Be grateful to them for it is because of them that the child within you is still alive and continues to breathe every day, even under the heavy turmoil of the emotional, social, and psychological baggage.
Friendship is a bond that, intentionally or unintentionally, we celebrate each day. Be it the moments spent or the parties enjoyed, be it the night stays or the long drives, this bond grows and develops with each passing day, and thence is a metaphor for a living entity. But for those who forget to cherish these invaluable moments, legends give them a once in a year opportunity to reiterate the spark and rekindle the warmth. And, that one day this year is 30th July 2020 i.e., The International Friendship Day.

Life Without Friends Is Incomplete
So, let us all express our gratitude to our lame yet close-to-the-heart friends for being there in our lives, for tolerating us, for making us realize our worth, for uploading us when need, for showing us the way when we are wrong, and, above all, for being the much-needed support throughout our journey in life.
Happy Friendship Day To All!