Automatic vs. Manual Transmission in Cars

You must be aware of the terms like automatic and semi-automatic transmission which are the deciding factors for cars in most cases. What exactly do these terms mean and which might be a better choice for you, is what we are going to take a look at today.
Automatic Transmission in Cars means that you don’t have change gears manually at every turn, as is the case with Manual Transmission vehicles. While semi-automatic just means that it has both and you can choose either depending on your preferences.
Also, cars with automatic transmission have a simplified gearbox as opposed to manual ones, which have five or six gears. So instead of you choosing the gear while on road, the car itself selects the right gear automatically, depending on the speed of the vehicle and the condition of the road.
Now that we are clear of the differences between the two, let’s get on with the comparisons. Which is better- Automatic Transmission or Manual?
It basically depends on you- which one is better suited for your needs? Do you frequently travel via car or on just a few occasions? Are the paths you traverse on a daily basis crowded or relatively easy to make way through? What are the road conditions- is it a smooth travel or a bumpy ride?
A number of factors are to be considered before the final judgment is passed. So while we can’t decide for you, we can still make it an easier decision for you by telling you some pros and cons of both types. Ready? Let’s go –
The most important point while choosing a car with manual transmission only is having more control over your car. You decide on the speed and the gear based on your perceptions. Another point is that these vehicles are relatively less expensive than their automated counterpart.
But honestly, it takes a lot of practice to be able to get a ‘feel’ of which setting might be right. And if you are living in a metropolitan and making use of your car for everyday chores, it can be quite a hassle to change gears at every turn. The unpredictable roads and the constant traffic just won’t let you take a breath.
It’s a lot easier to maneuver since the entire process is simplified by not having to frequently change gears manually. It works especially well if you are frequently driving in areas with a lot of traffic. The transition is smooth which makes for a comfortable ride even in the concrete jungle where you more often hear blaring horns instead of the chirping of the birds.
But it can be relatively expensive and not to forget the maintenance part. Automatic cars, no doubt, are more expensive to maintain. And though technology has come a long way, most automatic cars still use more fuel than their manual counterparts.
Also, if you are a car lover, who loves to go driving long distances, chances are that you will find manual cars a better option since you are participating more in the entire experience. But if you are someone who is practical and leans towards convenience more, maybe automatic cars are for you after all.