BRICS declaration appeals for declaring Pak sponsored terror groups as international terror organisations

Prime minister Modi’s impressive speech and his successful attempt to openly criticize, condemn and include the Pakistan sponsored terror organisations in the declaration of the BRICS SUMMIT is highly laudable which has sent across an extremely healthy signal about India’s commitment to fight terrorism tooth and nail along with Brazil, China, South Africa and other invitees at the meet at Xiamen, CHINA.
Today, the entire world community is the victim of radical terrorism aided and abetted by Pakistan and China being soft on them earlier. Prime Minister Modi’s eloquent address to declare Al Qaida, Haqqani network, Lashkare Tayyeba, Hizbul Mujaheddin, Jamaat Ul Dawa etc as international terrorist organisations nurtured by Pakistan creating havoc in India, Afghanistan, USA and other countries of the globe has not only badly demoralized and again exposed Pak in the international sphere but has also been successful in making China fall in line who was earlier reluctant to openly accept the former’s role of aiding and abetting various terror organisations creating disturbances in the Asian Subcontinent. It may be recalled that prior to the visit of Prime Minister Modi to Xiamen, China, the Chinese foreign ministry’s spokesperson had issued an advance notice that Pakistan sponsored terror would not be an appropriate topic for the BRICS summit to discuss.
Apart from this, the Pakistan National Assembly had also passed a resolution declaring America’s role and participation in Afghanistan’s developmental initiatives as detrimental to regional peace and stability. Sounds shocking and ridiculous. Just a few days ago United State’s president had reprimanded Pakistan for encouraging dreaded terror groups on its land and making Pak a safe haven to constantly nurture them creating blood bath in India, Afghanistan, US and other countries of the globe. US Congress has also stopped the 255 million US dollar worth of financial aid to Pakistan for the time being and put the money in the escrow account till it mends it ways and gives up protecting these terror groups, a big headache to the world community. Prime minister’s impressive speech appealing to the BRICS NATIONS to unitedly fight Pak sponsored terrorism and inclusion of the above mentioned dreaded terror outfits in the BRICS DECLARATION to be officially declared as international terror groups is a big achievement for India in the international scenario, a second achievement after the peaceful settlement of the 70 days old Doklam stand off The BRICS declaration unambiguously exhibits the changing attitude of the Dragon as this is for the first time that Pakistan’s closest ally China has agreed to counter these terror groups being openly blessed and supported by Pakistan, the issue on which it was mum and silent earlier. The declaration takes the collective pledge to counter and fight these groups and terrorism unitedly and to hold the countries supporting them directly responsible.