Exercise & Fitness
Cardio to Lose Upper Body Fat

Losing fat from the upper body is not an easy task. In order to burn the stubborn fat, a different approach is required for the cardio workout. Specific cardio exercises emphasize muscles of the chest, arms and back to get rid of pesky flab.
Run to lose
Running is a simple and great cardio exercise even if you don’t have access to the gym. Running for 20 to 30 minutes thrice a week is considered as high impact cardio workout.
However, if a person is suffering from feet or knee problems, he/she is advised to stay away from this.
Cycling for a lower impact
Cycling provides the same kind of result as running, but with a lesser impact on legs.
Cycling on a stationary bike machine or riding a bicycle outside, in either of the cases, pedaling thrice a week for 30 to 45 minutes per ride helps to get rid of the overall body fat.
Swim for whole body workout
Swimming is considered as one of the great exercises that work on the muscles throughout the whole body. As a result, it burns a lot of body fat, especially from the upper part. The basic freestyle stroke can be combined with other strokes such as backstroke, breast, and butterfly in order to gain maximum benefits.
However, the duration for swimming depends upon the capacity of the swimmer, but for a beginner, it is advised to start with swimming for 20 to 30 minutes thrice a week.
Go for a walk
For those who are suffering from knee issues or any leg problems or lack the endurance for intense or high impact workout, walking is a great cardio option. A 20- 45-minute walk for twice or thrice a week helps a lot in melting down the upper body.
For this kind of workout, a person always has a choice of walking outside or on a treadmill in a gym or on a track.
You can select one to two of the above mentioned cardio workouts each week. Doing cardio for 2 to 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes per day will certainly help to lose the excess body weight. One can do the same cardio each time or even switch between them every alternate day.