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January 31, 2025 7:26 PM

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*COVID-19* – A game of chess !



Covid 19 A game of chess
Read Time: 8 minutes
People are REALLY easy to manipulate. I mean REALLY easy and REALLY stupid…
It’s mind boggling the amount of people that have come forward and proven that their relative’s death certificates were listed as Covid-19 when in fact they had died of totally unrelated illnesses. Then the media came out and ADMITTED that hospitals HAD  to credit coronavirus as the cause of death due to inability to determine Covid-19 as the only possible cause.
The media predicted there would be hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans dead. So Trump stockpiled medical supplies, the fact that they are just SITTING there collecting dust should be enough evidence for most people to realize this whole thing was just another sick agenda by those who are losing control of the Western Hemisphere. Instead the fascist Liberals found a way to blame Trump as always and said he was ‘hoarding’ ventilators and masks from other countries. Never mind that they were all American made and later donated to other countries.
Then to top it all off the media said hospitals would be completely overrun so Trump had the Feds build makeshift medical tents outside of hospitals and urban areas, he even outfitted 3 navy vessels with medical equipment and turned them into quarantine boats. There are THOUSANDS of videos showing that these makeshift hospitals are COMPLETELY EMPTY.
The media has played you all for fools. Tell me what’s new? How convenient this all happened right before the next presidential election and how convenient it rallied so much support from brain dead retards who fuck their TV screens on a daily basis in support of FORCED VACCINATIONS, digital certificates and microchips. 🤤
Drrrrrrrrrrp 🥴
So Trump came out and said look the W.H.O is entirely corrupt, he exposed Bill Gates AND he proved that there were SEVERAL other CURES, yes not just treatments, but possible cures for COVID-19 that do not involve forced vaccinations. How dumb can some of you people be? Trump is the only person standing in the way between you and some fascist technocratic corporate dictatorship run by Google, Bill Gates, and Friends.
The media is the enemy of the people. Trump was right. People are REALLY fucking stupid.
He is a master chess player. The media is exposing themselves as bought and paid for project mockingbird media outlets, all run by the Federal Reserve banking cartel, the Hollywood Media moguls, and their Silicone Valley fascist technorapists. Lmfao.
I guess sending each other fake bombs this time of year just wasn’t enough. They had to release a bio-engineered virus in hopes that people would just roll over and say fuck my freedom fuck my liberty, stick that vaccine right in my ass Mr Gates and let me get my digital certificate so I can leave my hometown or country with consent from our fascist overlords.
Idiots 😴
Either the Virus was a hoax, or it was intended to kill many, many more people and some powerful individuals intervened in some way. How they did this I have no idea but one can theorize.
As for the lockdown orders it should be self explanatory now. Yeah, rat on your fellow citizens for not wearing a mask. Talk about some shit STRAIGHT OUT OF 1984 or even NAZI FREAKIN GERMANY!
Not to mention a lockdown during voting season would mean no voting booths but an immense swath of mail-in ballots. The thing about mail-in ballots is THEY ARE EXTREMELY PR0NE TO VOTER FRAUD.
Nice try assholes…
Since when did the Liberals become the fascists? Just look at Antifa, they are exactly the definition of everything they are claiming to be fighting against. Lol the biggest joke of all. Oh, the irony. The Left is showing their true colors. Pay close attention!
Think of all the small businesses that may NEVER be able to recover, think about the many shops that will never again reopen their doors. This lockdown order was meant to do exactly this; DESTROY small businesses and allow massive Mega Corporations to thrive, and to consolidate control in the economical and financial sector. As always it is the Rich who benefit the most while the poor become poorer and the middle class becomes pretty much non  existent.
These people don’t give a fuck about you. Wake the fuck up, the world is their lab and we are the Guinea pigs for their sick biological experiments, either that or we are just sheep led to the slaughter.
Here’s a reshare from a friend with many links and sources:
*COVID-19* – A game of chess
A brief summary on how a part of this game is playing out during the Corona pandemic.
Before reading, understand the colors of each player:
Team A: Gates, Fauci, WHO, Soros, ++
Team B: Trump, Attorney General William Barr, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, The Kennedy’s,  ++
– October 2019
Team A: Event 201 –  A conference organized by Gates and WEF where a Coronavirus stimulation causing a pandemic was discussed. This pandemic to occur was also predicted by Dr. Fauci in 2017.
– December 2019
First case of Corona in China – suspected to come from a wet market in Wuhan
– January 2020
Team B: First case of Corona in USA – drastic measures taken (closing of borders, military and navy deployed)
Team A: Bill Gates strongly advises for vaccines
Team B: US bans fetal tissue in vaccines (fyi fetal tissue comes from human embryos and is a favorite ingredient used by Big Pharma)
Team A: Bill Gates predicts that nobody can go back to life until vaccine is on the market
Team B: US pushes for FDA approval of common, cheap medicine
Team A: Fauci/WHO/Gates strongly advise against common medicine and push for vaccines
Team B: Attorney General Barr opposes Gates’ vaccine certificates
Team B: Robert F Kennedy exposes real intentions of Gates & WHO
Anonymous  comes out with a message for Bill Gates
Global population wakes up to Gates’ crimes against humanity
Microsoft advertisement involving Marina Abramovic is taken down after public backlash
Data for USA decreases from 2.2 million deaths, as predicted by WHO, to 60.000
Team B: US decides to drop Fauci/WHO/Gates predictions and no longer follow their recommendations and announce to re-open the country by May
Team B: US halts funding WHO.
A petition to investigate Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is filed by “We the People” and awaits White House response
Team B: New cables come to light about COVID-19 virus originating from a lab in Wuhan instead of wet markets (question & research: who owns this lab?)
Team B: New suspicions of lab produced bio-weapons surface
Biological warfare is not a new thing as it already exists for decades. The bio-weapons in development stretch way beyond (mandatory) vaccines as far as bio-information weapons. If you research what Artificial Intelligence whistle blowers have to say about bio-information weapons you will learn about the real plans mapped out by WHO, Big Pharma, some Silicon Valley players and Billionaire philanthropists.
Now this is only one part of the game that’s playing out during the Corona outbreak. We do see a lot in the news about the COVID-19 virus, but could  the war against the “Invisible Enemy” highlighted during the pandemic be something else ?
War these days isn’t anymore played with old methods such as bombs and foot soldiers marching in. We are constantly exposed to biological, intelligence and information warfare. During this information war Team A uses their weapon: Mainstream Media (Project Mockingbird). Team B uses theirs: Social Media (An awakened population). This game of chess is played by the book and those responsible for crimes against humanity will be punished under law. It took some time to get all the chess pieces in the right positions.
Why do invincibles, who previously enjoyed lifelong immunity for their crimes, now end up in jail such as Epstein and Weinstein? Look at the changes in the US legal system over recent years. Especially keep an eye on recently appointed Attorney General William Barr, U.S. Attorney John H. Durham, the unfolding of Prince Andrew’s non-compliance in Epstein case, Hillary Clinton’s Email Case, Unsealed FISA indictments, international indictments of high officials such as Maduro, investigation into John Brennan (CIA topman) and James Comey (FBI topman), just to name a few.
So far this 101 on how chess is played between the most powerful on our planet. Don’t believe me or anything I say, I am offering a different perspective. Do your own research and do it properly. The truth is not told, but learned.
Welcome to the Great Awakening. 💚

Niraly is into digital media and blogging. She contributes her thoughts and writings to various news and digital publications. She is also a passionate biker. She describers herself in three words - Witty Untamed Wanderer !

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