Coward Pakistan goes to UN. Imran says Pak will retaliate if India attacks. Genl Dhillon warns to eliminate those who pick up guns.

Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan while trying to safeguard the hard core terrorist n chief of Jaish E Mohammed, Azhar Masood today denied any hand of Pakistan in the dreaded Pulwama attack saying : why would Pakistan do so when it is trying to establish stability in Pakistan. He catagorically said that India should first provide proof of Pakistan’s involvement in the Pulwama attack and then blame his country. If Pakistan finds even a small iota of evidence in the Pulwama attack he will immediately take action against the perpetrators of violence.
He assured that there is no place for terrorism n terrorists on Pak soil. See, the indecency n and anti India attitude of PAK PM Imran Khan that he did’nt have the passion to at least express his condolences towards the bereaved families of the martyrs of Pulwama, if not heartily then at least for name sake. India and its govt had however expressed its grief n sorrow over the Peshawar killings sterly condemning the gruesome act. See the difference between the behaviour of both the countries ?
What a blatant lie, a huge ridicule n shock by a prime minister of a coward nation?
The entire world knows fairly well and crystal clear that Pakistan had given patronage to international terrorist Osama Bin Laden, culprit of the twin tower attack in USA killing more than 5 thousand innocents for no fault of theirs.
Pakistan had always been denying about his where abouts in Pakistan. Finally the American commandoes caught n killed him in a midnight swoop in Abbatabad, Pakistan thus exposing its blatent lie.
Entire world knows that the mastermind n criminal of 1994 Mumbai Bomb blast Dawood Ibrahim is staying in Karachi n aiding and abetting terrorists against India.
Who does not know that the mastermind of Mumbai attack at Taj Hotel killing 161 innocents, the Laskare Tayyabba chief is openly holding public meetings and carrying out subversive activities in Kashmir killing innocents in the Pakistani soil n issuing venemous statements against India.
The main mastermind of the Pulwama attack Azhar Mohammed too is in Pakistan whose entire family is fully dedicated to see India disintegrated and had been appearing on television channels very often spitting venom against India. India has given ample evidences against all these hard core terrorists having been involved in various terrorist acts in India but of no avail.
The Indian citizen Kul Bhushan Jadav has been arbitrarily caught n branded as the Indian spy by the Pakistani government and in the past one Sukhvinder Singh of Punjab was strategically killed in Pakistan Jail to deliberately annoy n frustrate the Indian government.
The fact of the matter is Pakistan n its prime minister Imran Khan is badly rattled, fearful n shaken after prime minister Modi’s unambiguous warning of strong possible retaliation in the near future to avenge the incessant attacks of Pak sponsored terror outfits in Kashmir.
Imran Khan has said if India attacks Pakistan it would retaliate too strongly. Pakistan is a coward nation always believing in the policy of betrayal, bloodsheds, back stabbing and expressing lies. It has also called its Indian High commissioner back to Pakistan apprehending backlash.
The country’s economy is in doldrums and has no money to return back, even the interest of various foreigh banks n International monetory fund. Except China no country of the world is in a mood to support Pakistan financially or otherwise. It’s completely sidelined internationally. It’s economy is in tatters.
Even America has stopped supporting it financially and has blcked the economic aid of 240 million dollars due for Pakistan to eradicate terrorism n terror sanctuaries from its land.
If India really attacks it militarily which infact is not happening anyways, it will be wiped out from the world map. However, coward Pakistan has now approached the UN n complained that India is spreading baseless canards against Pakistan. ” ULTA CHOR KOTWAAL KO DAANTE.”
India and Pakistan, both being the nuclear nations would in no case prefer going for a ful fledged war as the consequences would be highly disastrous bothways.
Meanwhile the Lt Genl KJS Dhillon, GOC Chinar corps has warned the mothers of Kashmiri terrorists to instruct their sons to give up guns n terrorism failing which they’ll be compelled to face disastrous consequences.
Genl Dhillon has also cautioned the stone pelters and the common people not to come on the way of Army operations as its consequences would be fatal. Genl Dhillon said they have enough substantive proofs about Pakistan sponsored Jaish’s n its chief Azhar Masdod’s unambiguous hand in the Pulwama attack. He clearly warned anyone who’ll pick the gun will be eliminated.
According to Dhillon in just 100 hours after the disastrous Pulwama attack the Army had been successful in killing the main backbone of Jaish E Mohammed by slaining Kamran Kazi n Hilal Ahmed n one other hard core terrorist who were the main operators of Azhar Massod in Kashmir n mastermind of Pulwama attack.
Niharika Ghia
February 19, 2019 at 5:37 PM
Enemies within the country will have to be dealth with firmly. Sad to see the reactions of mediapersons almost behaving like Pak agents. Lack of sensitivity of liberals and Pakistani PM