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March 4, 2025 12:48 AM


Deceased Inspector’s son asks: Today my father got killed in Hindu Muslim riots, who’s father’s turn is tomorrow ?



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What is happening in Uttar Pradesh? What about the repeated assurances of the Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Aditya Nath of maintaining peace and harmony in Uttar Pradesh n guaranteeing to make this largest state of the country crime free ? Bulandshahar is today in total disarray with people of all communities, especially the vulnerables, the minority are in absolutely insecure position.

While the saffron clad vociferous chief minister Yogi Aditya Nath was addressing the electorates of Rajasthan yesterday n Telangana earlier, assuring them of the saffron party’s victory n sunsequent ouster of the Owasies’ out of the Southern state, his own state’s law and order situation was in doldrums n total disarray with incidents of communal frenzy and mob violence taking the toll of three, including a police inspector in Bulandshahar where a rumour about the killing of a cow instigated the people and some hoodlums burning several government n private vehicles including complete ransacking of the police station with police officers n those at the lower rung seeking shelter elsewhere for safety n security.

While the naked dance of killings, loot and ransacking was on at Bulandshahar by the uncontrolled mob allegedly weilding lathies n lethal weapons openly defying law and order with provocative slogans renting the air, the same type n nature of incident of truck n vehicle burning, arson and loot was taking place at Jammu under the same pretext of cow lynching rumours where a truck full of animals was caught on the way.

Uttar Pradesh has also witnessed communal passens having been flared up earlier resulting in several casualties in Saharanpur n other parts of Western Uttar Pradesh where the victims were from a minority community. In several other such incidents in the name of alleged cow vigilantism and rumours of child liftings, number of people of a particular community were allegedly lynched in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, UP and Tripura.

The question is where are we really heading too? Is killing people in the name rumours of cow lynching etc solution to the problem? Does the constitution of India give people right to alegedly kill the innocents? How long will the people of these states and the country tolerate division of the society in the name of baseless, concocted and fabricated rumours allegedly fanning communal passions in the name of holy cow mother, alleged child lifting or religion? Can a country with the diverse cultures, religions, eating habits, rituals and communities believing in the principle of peaceful coexistence as well as secularism tolerate all this nuisance and for how long? When would our politicians really desist themselves to play with the communal sentiments of the countrymen who believe in the principle of unity in diversity? What was the fault of the UP police inspector of Bulandshahar and two other innocents who were killed mercilessly in these riots for no fault of theirs?

These are some of the vital questions which need an appropriate answer from those at the helm of affairs in the state as well as at the centre.

The traumatic son of the deceased inspector Subodh Singh poses a question to the society n those at the helm of the political dispensation. According to the ANI’s tweet deceased Unspector Subodh’s son Abhishekh asks ; My father wanted me to be a good citizen who dosen’t incite violence in the society in the name of religion. Today my father lost his life in the Hindu Muslim dispute, tomorrow who’s father will lose hid life# Bulandshahar.

What a shocking travesty. Meanwhile three culprits responsible for these tragic deaths have bern arrested by the police and the government of Uttar Pradesh has announced Rs. 40 lakhs as financial compensation for the deceased police inspector’s grief stricken family n for two other victims as well. Orders for SIT investigations to nail the real culprits have already been issued.

Eruption of these communal roits in UP n Jammu in the name of alleged Cow vigilantism n alleged killings right at the time of elections going in the five states of the country and the national election just five months ahead raises several questions, which require immediate answers say political analysts?







Sunil Negi hails from Uttarakhand and is a veteran journalist and author. He is a prolific writer and has carved a name for himself in the media world. He received the 'Golden Achiever Award' in the '90th AIAC Excellence Awards 2019' for his book ''Havoc in Heaven'' based on the tragedy that struck Uttarakhand in which thousands of people lost their lives. He is also the President of Uttarakhand Journalists Forum and majorly writes on Politics, Current Affairs, and Social Issues.

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