Delhi government hospitals need more registration and medicine delivery counters including more clinics

Though the AAM ADMI PARTY government in Delhi has done a remarkable work in terms of improving and modernising the health services in the Delhi’s various government hospitals, dispensaries, health centres and poly clinics for which the Delhi chief minister deserves Kudos, there is still a need for improvising the conditions and delivery system by way of enhancing the number of registration and medicine delivery counters, pharmacists and doctors, particularly in view of the rapidly increasing numbers of poor and lower middle class patients thronging the government hospitals on daily basis.
The hospitals despite rendering maximum possible services to cater to the good number of patients also lack good hyginic and sanitary conditions which need to be attended on a mass footing so as to keep them neat and clean and prone to better health conditions of one and all attending these health institutions. The AAP government Delhi deserves all round appreciation for targetting the health and education sector for improving the peoples’lot and also shaping the academic career of the students hailing from the poor, down trodden and the economically deprived sections of the society.
Today, the government schools of Delhi have been upgraded from the infrastructural, educational and basic civic facilities point of view and so have the condition of government hospitals, dispensaries and the polyclinics where not only are the poor and general patients are being delivered free medicines, treatments and free expensive tests and diagnosis but the Delhi government has also permitted every section of the society free of cost treatment and surgery of critical ailments in private hospitals if the same is not being executed in the Delhi govt hospitals, the cost of which will be borne by the government.
In addition the Delhi CM has authorised few Delhi government hospitals like Delhi Tegh Bahadur hospital for giving 80% treatmentto be given to the Delhites and 20% to the patients of outside states as previously the medical interest of Delhi patients were being largely affected. Today, I happened to visit the Dr. Ambedkar Hospital and Medical Institute , a hundred bedded hospital in Rohini where I saw hundreds of uncontrolled crowd of poor and hapless patients standing in unending queues anxiously waiting for registration, medicines and check ups outside the counters and doctors clinics quarrelling and creating acrimonious scenes.
The queues were so long that it takes hours to get the needful done. Since the expectation of the patients, particularly, of the poor and the lower middle class have been generated too much after the facilities generated in the govt hospitals the influx of patients have increased manifold and as such the latter doe not seem to be fully equipped to cope with the increasing rush of the patients which would ultimately result in lessening of the quality of treatment and much inconvenience to the Delhites banking on government hospitals for seeking free treatment.
The government of the NCT should therefore emphasise much on increasing the number of registration and medicine delivery counters including enhancement in number of clinics, doctors and pharmacists componded with various facilities like provision of sitting arrangements, fans, water coolers and if possible airconditioning of the inner areas of the hospital buildings. This revamp in the entire system would improve the present aweful situation and relieve the poor, hapless and suffering patients and their families to a great extent.
It may be recalled that the former Secretary General of United Nations and Senior officials of WHO had recently visited various Mohalla polyclinics established by AAM AADMI PARTY government in Delhi and have widely appreciated it as a model to be replicated by the other developing and under developed countries of the globe.
What’s your take friends?