Earth Signs of the Zodiac: Traits and Famous People

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn- these three out of the 12 Zodiacs are ruled by the element of Earth. As the tell-tale name suggests, the Earth Signs are stable, dependable and reliable. The element of Earth rules the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses. This means even if you are not born under the Earth Signs, if you have a number of planets in these houses, you can exhibit some of the traits unique to them. So what are the unique features that define an Earth-ruled sign? This is what we are going to look at in this article, also name-dropping some famous people born under these signs.
Ready? Let’s go!
Practical, down-to-earth and hard-working, these words perfectly define someone born under an Earth sign. Though they can be somewhat stubborn and petty at times, mostly they let their common sense reign. Earth makes up the foundation of everything we see and just like their ruling element, these people are very reliable. You can depend upon them, they are practical and you will hardly ever find them with their head up in clouds, unlike their airy counterparts.
People born under these signs don’t like to take big risks. Safety and surety is their thing. Slow and methodical, they can be sometimes excessively conventional but all for good- you can’t find a sign more committed or stable. Sensuality is one of their traits too.
Earth Signs are the builders of the Zodiac- creation, patience, dedication, and permanence, they are responsible and logical. Their practicality can come off as materialism and thus they seem to be greedy at times. But being pragmatic is hardly a shortcoming. Productivity and authenticity, they are a constant in a life full of variables.
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