Ex President’s daughter Sharmishta raises yet another controversy

Despite the fact that the former president of India and a devout Congressman Dr. Pranab Mukerjee and the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat have delievered quite (an) appreciable speeches in the RSS headquarter a day ago where the former was the chief guest at the invitation of the RSS top brass, the controversy dose not seem to lie down or precipitating.
The former president’s daughter Sharmishta Mukerjee who is a staunch Congress women has created yet an other controversy by accusing the RSS, BJP and its Information Technology Cell of doctoring the picture of her father by showing him in a position with his hand over the chest alongwith the RSS chief and other prominent functionaries on the dias giving a look as if Pranav Da is dittoing them in actions as the RSS functionery stand in a position while offering prayer whereas in actuality the former president stood straight with his hands down in an attentive position, as visible in the picture below.
In a hard hitting tweet former president of India’s daughter Sharmishta Mukerjee wrote:
SEE THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS FEARING & WARNED MY FATHER ABOUT. NOT EVEN FEW HOURS HAVE PASSED BUT BJP/ RSS DIRTY TRICK DEPARTMENT IS AT WORK IN FULL SWING. This tweet on her twitter handle has acknowleged 3, 334 likes, 1, 943 retweets and 532 comments by the afternoon of 8th June.
It may be recalled that prior to her father’s visit to the RSS headquarter at Nagpur, Sharmishta has tweeted saying : BY GOING TO NAGPUR YOU ( PRANAV DA) are giving BJP, RSS FULL HANDLE TO PLANT FALSE STORIES , SPREAD FALSE RUMOURS AS TODAY U R MAKING IT SOMEWHAT BELIEVABLE. AND ITS JUST THE BEGINNING.
But unwary of her daughter’s comments the former president went ahead and addressed the RSS gathering at Nagpur pronouncing the founder of the RSS Hegdewar as the true son of the soil.
He, however surprised one and all, even his ardent critics when he maintained his ideological commitment towards secularism, pluralism, tolerance and unity in diversity while addressing the crowd thus giving a huge rebuff to the RSS and BJP’s thought process of propagation of the ideals of Hindu religion.
He spoke against dogma of one religion and religious fundamentalism and propagated the ideology of secularism and unity in diversity if India really wants to stand united, cohesive and progress.
Even the RSS chief’s speech was away from the usual ideological thought process when he spoke of pluralism and unity in diversity saying that RSS strongly believes in respecting and uniting all religions of the country and according total freedom and authority to profess the faith of one’s own choice. He unambiguously said that RSS believes in inviting people of all faiths and religions into its fold to make India stronger and brighter.
This change in RSS’s philosophy, while is a welcome initiative, it remains to be seen as to how strongly does it convinces its rank anf file in the near future.
However, Sharmishta’s tweet accusing RSS and the BJP of doctoring her father’s picture and thereafter making them viral in the social networking sites is bound to invite yet another controversy inviting lots of TV debates and allegations and counter charges between Congress, left, anti BJP opposition and the BJP and its frontal organisations committed towards Hinduism in the near future. What’s your take friends?