
The Progressive Channels Association of Information Technology aka PCAIT with the support of Federation of All India Associations of Information Technology, (FAIITA) organised a prestigious event titled as CHANNEL VISTAS – 2018 at Hotel Crown Plaza, Okhla, New Delhi on 5th of May, attended by IT business champions, OEMs’ doing sizeable businesses, traders, system integrators and vendors from all over the country including Delhi.
In all about 150 important members of FAIITA and PCAIT participated in this national business conclave convened with the sole aim of IT business networking amongst the state champions, sizeable IT business partners, system integrators and vendors in order to give impetus to business growth and enhance the quality and quantity of IT business all over the country.
The first session of the conclave was devoted to FAIITA which was inaugurated by the welcome speech of its president Mr. Champak Lal Gurjar from Mumbai where as the second session dedicated to PCAIT was inaugurated by the lightening of the lamp and the welcome speech of the PCAIT president Alok Gupta followed by the speech of its general secretary Saket Kapoor.
The morning session was most ably and eloquently compered by Mr. Saket Kapoor who worked as an integrator between the FAIITA and PCAIT members participating actively in the business matchmaking giving and seeking support for the IT products in order to enhance the business volumes and earn handsome profits through mutual support and exchange of services n products in the near future.
The post lunch session with discussion on the subject titled as ” ENHANCEMENT OF BUSINESS PROSPECTS AMONGST THE MEMBERS, ” started at 2.30 PM.
This live session effectively moderated jointly by Saket Kapoor and Vivek Sharma with the active participation of the FAIITA as well as the PCAIT members from Delhi, Haryana, UP, Noida, Chandigarh, Punjab, Siliguri, North East, Tamilnadu, Hydrabad, Bihar, Jallundhar, Bengal and Pondicherry was extremely fruitful and succeful as the participating members were able to positively interact and establish business tie ups including exchanging cards for the generation of IT business amongst themselves.
All the members interestingly participated in discussions and aired their views emphatically to promote their business prospects through mutual trust and linkages in the near future.
The FAIITA president Champak Lal Gurjar, PCAIT president Alok Gupta and general secretary Saket Kapoor emphasised the need for organising such Conclaves and get togethers in various states of the country in every three months so as to ensure time bound revival of their activities and business initiatives thus achieving the aim of enhacing their IT business prospects to 25% more from the current level and also to reslove their problems if any.
The speakers at the event expressed the dire need to broadbase the organisation FAIITA, natiinally, in order to make it more effective, strong and answerable by way of generating funds through various means like : organising exhibitions in collaboration with TAITRA, involving FAIITA in arbitration and dispute settlements of the IT business partners whose large sums of money get stuck due to non payments in the government departments or with other private forums, certification of all the members of various state IT organisations in FAIITA against a consolidated one time fee and publishing of sovenier to generate funds at the national level and highlighting of the activities and achievements of FAIITA and various state IT bodies as well.
A press conference was also addressed jointly by PCAIT president ALOK GUPTA, FAIITA PRESIDENT CHAMPAKLAL GURJAR and GENERAL SECRETARY SAKET KAPOOR who ably responded to the various queries of the IT media pertaining to the problems in the IT sector, challenges being confronted by them and the achievements of FAIITA and PCAIT since their coming into existence.
About 7 tables of various IT traders and companies like Protegent, Atlanta, Armstrack, Chota Internet, Green tech, Parts Baba, Modi infosil, Its Solutions and four stalls prestigious IT products like Lenovo, HP, Dell, Acer, Dlink etc were also put installed on this ocassion to showcase their products.
About 15 minutes each were allocated to Lenovo, HP, Dell, D link, and Acer as speaking slots and to give presentation of their company and its products to the audience.
Other than Champak Lal Gurjar, Alok Gupta and Saket Kapoor, those who spoke on the ocassion were PCAIT’s Vice President Sandeep Arya, treasurer PK Sharma, EC member Sewak Nautiyal and representatives and business champions from Bihar, Punjab, Tamilnadu, Pondicherry, Jallundhar , Chandigarh and Delhi. The vote of thanks were conveyed by Mr. PK Sharma, MD Comnet Vision, India. The event organised by PCAIT was a grand success, indeed.