Finally trans Yamuna areas would be rid of 20000 metric tonnes of garbage. Kejrival allocates 390 crores to East Delhi corporation

Finally the sanitary workers of the East Delhi Municipal Corporation have ended their 28 days long stir which is definitely a welcome news for the people of Delhi n in particular the inhabitants of the trans Yamuna colonies of East Delhi who’ve literally been living in the most unsanitary conditions for the last one month with massive quantity of garbage lying in various localities leading to various health hazards.
According to the municipal corporation about more than twenty thousand metric tons of stinking garbage has accumulated in residential streets, drains – literally chocked, on open roads, in front of houses, offices and over filled garbage dumps which will take at least 10 days or more to clear it.
Delhi being the capital of the country needs to be always clean, pollution free and sound from the point of view of greenery but is unfortunately not the case. Except the Delhi’s Lutyens’ zone housing the ministerial bunglows, MP flats and the New Delhi Municipal Council area rest of the Delhi is in mess with roads, streets, small n huge drains, Dhalaos and the parks full of garbage dumps thus showing THENGA to the prime minister’s flagship Swach Bharat Mission.
The municipal corporation employees are usually on strike demanding regularisation in services, better pay perks, clearence of pending dues n improvement in service conditions and the Delhi witnesses the aweful situation with thousands of tons of rubbish and garbage lying scattered on open roads n in streets for days together.
The Delhi government run by the Aam Aadmi Party and the the three wings of the municipal corporations where runs the BJP writ are always at loggerheads accusing each other and the central government for lack of funds thus leading to the common public of Delhi suffer badly.
On the one hand the Swach Bharat Abhiyan is in full swing with prime minister Narendra Modi giving full impetus to the mission by even involving pioneers like Amitabh Bachchan and Rattan Tata and mobilising the common man to be a significant part of it, on the other hand shockingly the capital of India is full of garbage dumps and rubbish scattered all around.
Hundreds of crores have already been spent of advertisements to make the campaign a grand success. But the latest news about the Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival sanctioning 390 crores to the East Delhi Municipal Corporation and the commissioner Puneet Goyal accepting the striking sanitary workers entire demands like payment of back arrears and regularisation of services etc is a good and satisfying news which we think would put to rest the ongoing arrogance and annoyance amongst the sanitary workers permanently.
It’s a good sign that Delhi, particularly the trans Yamuna areas would witness cleanliness and healthy environment in the near future which will take at least 10 days for the entire mess to be cleared. It may be recalled that the East Delhi Municipal Corporation is running the fiscal deficit of 3500 crores and the Delhi CM has assured to release 390 crores which would help clear all the pending dues and salaries of the sanitary staff of trans yamuna municipal corporation.
The tragedy of NCT of Delhi is that there had always been centre state squabbles since the formation of the separate governments at the centre and state, having diametrically opposite views and ideologies. The Delhi CM Kejriwal who’d been always at loggerheads with the centre has been accusing it n its nominee Delhi LG of deliberately hatching conspiracies to defame the AAP government by stopping its funds, budget, stalling projects and rejecting its pro people recommendations.
While the BJP accuses AAP of creating political drama to seek cheap publicity. But one thing is confirmed that its primarily the Delhi people who suffer ultimately for no fault of theirs.
Niharika Ghia
October 10, 2018 at 9:20 AM
Delhi deserves this