
When the chief minister Narayan Dutt Tiwari ruled Uttarakhand years ago, the singing legend of the Himalayan state had devised n composed a song titled NAUCHAMI NARENA in Garhwali dialect against the former chief minister exposing the various negative facets of his rule like excessive allocation of Red beacon posts of various corporations to political non entities and alleged corruption in the state’s political and administrative appratus.
This song became extremely popular and got outstanding media hype and coverage in print as well as the electronic channels of the state then, thus selling lakhs of CDs globally amongst the Uttarakhandies.
Even the presitious magazine India Today gave it an extensive coverage. Narayan Dutt Tiwari had to pay a price for it by losing his party Congress at the hustings. But the song never mentioned the former CM by his name or planting his picture on the CD.
It was rather an indirect attack on him and his government thus maintaining the basic ethics of the constitutional freedom granted to every Indian citizen.
These days a similar type of a song with different lyrics directly targetting the Uttarakhand state CM by illegally and arbitrarily printing his picture on visuals shown in the songs are becoming viral.
It has literally created a lot of controversy in the political corridors of the ruling and the opposition parties viz the BJP and the Congress. On 4th September, an FIR has been lodged in the Dehradun, Nehru Colony police station on the highly objectionable content of the song that directly targets the chief minister unethically pronouncing him as ,”Jhaampu,” and making mockery of his image by holding him responsible for Uttarakashi rape, insecurity of women, liquor prevalence in hills and various other drawbacks and demerits og his government and governance while leading the state as its chief minister.
What is most objectionable and illegall part of this song going viral is, the producer have put the picture of CM in the visuals of the songs directly targetting him for all the inefficiencies that are taking place in Uttarakhand during his ongoing tenure.
As per the news published in various newspapers of Uttarakhand the inspector Rajesh Shah who is investigating the case, the complaint has been registered by the Haridwar By pass road resident Anil Kumar Pandey who’d accused the producer, director, scriptwriter and singer of this song of intentionally and pre strategically defaming the chief minister on fabricated, baseless and concoted charges with the sole aim to spread an environment of hatred against him.
Not only this but through this song they have also tried to downgrade the reputation of the chief ministers’ family members and accquaintances amongst people of different catagories and classes.
The investigating officer has started the detailed investigation on the orders of the seniors. Those against whom the FIR had been registered are the producer of the Video Deepak Negi, Roshan Ratiri, promotr, singer Deepak Semwal, Shiv Prasad Semwal, Rahul Ratiri, Trilok Chandra, Saviya Joshi Bhatt, Deepak Rawat, Nitesh Bhatt, Arun Semwal Awal Bisht and Uday Rawat. So far no leader of Congress Party has issued any statement in this regard.