Former Delhi CM Madan Lal Khurana is no more! Dies at 82 !

BJP’s veteran firebrand leader and Delhi’s former chief minister to whom goes the credit for bringing Metro Rail in the capital, 82 year old Madan Lal Khuran had died at 11.00 PM after suffering from the brain stroke going in coma for a long time.
He breathed his last at the Delhi’s Kirti Nagar residence. Originally hailing from Lyalpur Punjab and born in 1936 Madan Lal Khurana was pronounced as the Lion of Delhi being a fire brand mass leader, highly vocal on peoples’ problems and an able chief minister before 2000.
Madan Lal Khurana and Shiela Dikshit though arch political opponents had brother sister relations and were always at good terms despite being ideologically opposite leaders.
His eldest son Vimal Khurana has recently died of cardiac arrest. Madan Lal Khurana was on bed for the last several years due to brain stroke at his Kirti Nagar House. Khurana was chief minister of Delhi from 1993 to 1996 and was also governor of Rajasthan in 2004 having later on resigned on his own to be re active in Delhi politics.
Madan Lal Khurana was instrumental in bringing the metro project in Delhi for the first time though being out of power there after could not implement it. However, Khurana’s sister , the Congress CM of Delhi later on carried forward the project of Metro Rails and got it implemented in Delhi on a wider scale.
Madan Lal Khurana was an able parliamentarian, an outstanding chief minister, a vocal leader in Delhi Assembly and a fatherly figure in Delhi BJP who played a most important role to establish Jana Sangh and thereafter the BJP at the lowest ebb of the society.
While Khurana was active in Delhi politics as Metropolitan Councillor, MLA, CM Delhi and as the national office bearer of his party he left no stone unturned to ensure the saffron party’s victory in Delhi. He organised the maximum number of demonstrations, bandhs, press conferences to expose scandals in govt departments and mass public meetings of his party in Delhi and also played a vital role in the formation of the Janata party against draconian emergency of the eighties by working hard in Delhi with late Jay Prakash Narayan. He was the close political lieutinent of veteran leader and former deputy prime minister L. K. Advani and was an eloquent speaker as well.