Good news for the journalists of Uttarakhand. Will get pension and priority in Govt housing schemes !

There is indeed a good news for the journalists of Uttarakhand. The Uttarakhand High Court has today given several significant directives to the state government asking it to grant the journalistic community of Uttarakhand all those facilities and privileges which the scribes of other states are getting.
The decision of the high court includes government pension and priority in allotment/ sanction of plots and housing accomodation in govt schemes to the working journalists as per the seniority.
The verdict was given today on a petition filed by advocate Dushyant Mainali who fought the case brilliantly as an amicus curie of the scribes who presented the matter very strongly by presenting the relevant statistics and supportive documents to the jurists hearing the matter.
The verdict of the Nainital High Court is bound to provide relief to good number of working journalists, reporters, stingers, digital journalists, feature scribes n media employees.
According to the final judgement the court directed the respondent ( the government of UK) to improve the conditions of the journalists/ reporters/ correspondents as per the notification dated 11th November 2011 and as per the working journalists and other newspapers employees ( Conditions of Service) and the Misclleneous Provisions Act, 1955.
While directing the state government to frame a scheme for providing certain reservations in housing / flats in government housing schemes the court also issued directives for enhancing the pensions of elderly journalists/ reporters/ correspondents on the basis of the fluctuations of the consumer price index.
The court added that these recommendations are necessary to provide security in the pursuit of fearless and professional journalism.
It also directed the state government for framing of the Welfare fund rules on the analogy of Andhra Pradesh n Orissa etc for the welfare of the journalists of the state.
Showing its immense concern towards the senior journalists who posess no financial security after supperanuation the court directed the UK govt to frame a policy for the health and pension benefits for the journalists of the state.
While delivering this historic decision the Nainital High Court justices Sharad Kumar Sharma and Rajiv Sharma concluded by mentioning in the judgement a quote of the famous English author of 1839 namely EDWARD BULWAR LYTTON ,” The Pen is Mighter than a Sword”.
Niharika Ghia
November 12, 2018 at 4:46 PM
Sounds interesting but may get complicated in implimentation process
Sunil Negi
November 14, 2018 at 5:32 PM