Growing Firm vs. Established Firm

If you are a fresher and looking for a job. I can truly understand what is confusing you. There might be a big question mark in your head about “Where to start?”
During my initial years, undoubtedly, I was attracted towards big companies and popular brands but I am telling this from my personal experience, it is definitely not going to be a place for you to start.
When I got into an established organization, I was just treated as a “piece of paper” on which everyone wrote the tasks to perform. In a big organization, each and every person is assigned with a specific task leading to a monotonous life of the employee with no change. I wanted to learn new things for which I never got a chance in those brands. Then I thought to step out of this place and join a growing company or you can say a “startup”.
In a startup, you get to learn as much as you can. You get assigned with various tasks which you enjoy while performing. Well, a startup is an “Exciting Place”. So, a perfect answer to your big question mark “Where to start” is a STARTUP.
I think it would need some more points to prove that “YOU SHOULD START WITH A STARTUP”. Following are the top reasons for you to join a fast-growing company. And, also they tell you on how to know that your search for your job is over for the time being:
Learn and Grow:
“Learn. Believe. Change. Grow. Succeed.”
If you want to learn new things, want more responsibilities and want to do more hard work the start-ups are ready to provide that to you. A growing company offers new challenging assignments to its employees which may provide quick exposure to those workers. A startup cannot move into new business lines, they firstly look in within their own ranks. This also increases the chances of your promotion within that organization.
Facetime with the company leaders:
Want to have a word with the CEO? Yes, in a growing company, you get much chance of getting face time with your CEO and company leaders. You can discuss everything you want to with them and get proper solutions. These face to face interactions help you to learn the best you can as well as get direct advice and make an impression. On the other hand, in a large organization, the employees spend many years in the company without even speaking to their executive managers.
Definitely Impactful:
Now if you want to move on, a growing company is a good choice if you are expecting to make an impact in the next job. Startups give you a chance to interact with different people, work on new projects, and move from team to team and departments to departments. This leads to great results for your career. Your future bosses would love to hire you if you are capable of contributing all your skills to a brand new project.
Answerable and responsible:
A startup will lead you to such a position that would be highly impactful. Your work will affect the entire company and its workers. If you do amazing work, you will be praised for it by getting praiseworthy texts and notes by your boss and other members of the company. In a startup, your mistake won’t get you in trouble as long as it was unintentional. It is unavoidable to have responsibility and answerability in a startup.
Grab leadership in the right time:
In a big established company, you need to wait for years to get into a higher position or being a true leader. However, in a startup, if you are doing a great job in all the tasks assigned to you, there are many chances of you getting promoted and becoming a true leader in no time if you have the desired qualities.
Each and every decision made in a startup is transparent. Required information about any new plan, a new program, and new rule will be given to the employees. The startup will provide why, how, when, what and where about the decisions that it takes. However, some information which is meant to be confidential won’t be transparent.
You will be paid less than the bigger organizations in a growing company. But the thing is, here you will have an increased ownership and equity. If you are in a bigger company, you will have lesser shares and nominal salary. Whereas, in case of a startup you will have a lesser salary but higher shares.
Major Opportunities:
People with interests in one field or many fields don’t do well in big companies. Big companies need specialization in the kind of work you are performing in the job whole day. But this is not the case in a startup. Startups also need specialization but for the generalists, they can do multiple works if they want. For example, If you want to be an engineer, you can work on the company’s website, and also in the mobile app. But in a big company, if you are working on the company’s website then you have to stick with the same work in all your job years.