Harish Rawat giving a decisive fight to BJP’s Ajay Bhatt in Nainital

From Ground Zero
The contest in the Nainital Lok Sabha constituency has become too hot n hectic between the Congress’s national general secretary Harish Rawat and the BJP’s state chief Ajay Bhatt. Both are the first time contestents from Nainital seat. The sitting BJP MP n the former CM of Uttarakhand Bhagat Singh Koshiyari was ditched by the BJP high command this time n the state party chief Ajay Bhatt was given the ticket.
The prime minister Narendra Modi has already adddressed an impressive public meeting in Rudrapur few days ago requesting the electorates to vote for BJP whereas no senior most leader of the Congress party has arrived in Nainital to canvass support for Harish Rawat till date, though Congress chief Rahul’s visit is expected on 8th April, perhaps.
But being the former MP from Haridwar, ex CM n the present general secretary of Congress there is no dearth of Congress workers n financers pouring in Nainital parliamentary constituency in support of Rawat.
Highly experienced as a perfect organiser, crowd puller n vote catcher , Harish Rawat is a highly experienced politician having been the national vice president of Sewa Dal n two times union state minister as well.
He is a well read politician with dexterity in eloquent speeches n also expert in testing the nerves of voters. His affable n soft spokenness n art to entice n impress the people n party workers is well known to his followers n leaders of the party.
Harish Rawat says that it’s the dedication and love for the people of Uttarakhand that has compelled him to contest from Nainital at the age of 78.
Rawat is extremely critical of the present BJP government and its chief minister of literally doing nothing for the welfare and well being of the state’s populace and instead turning down all the pro people programmes and schemes launched by him during his tenure as the state CM.
Rawat says today there are 9 lakh unemployed youths in the state and the saffron party government has failed on all fronts except concentrating on the excessive sale of liquor, spoiling the health n career of youths in the name of bridging the deficit finance which has gone to staggering 48000 crores.
Rawat said while he was the chief minister of the state he’d given jobs to more than 40 thousand youths and brought the unemployment figure down to 2.5% from 7 % and was immensely instrumental in raising the state’s per capita income to over 1 lakh 17 thousand per person every year which earlier existed to merely 73 thousand rupees per year.
Similarly, it was during his tenure only that the CM health insurance scheme of giving 1.75 lakh rupee aid to the ill persons was introduced with widow, old age, handicapped pensions being benefitted on a large scale, but today unfortunately the pensions of 89 thousand women had been deprived of this facility.
The poor women, senior citizens, handicaps n the unemployed youths are suffering badly under the present political dispensation of the state says Harish Rawat.
He assures the people of Nainital constituency of employment and other avenues provided they vote for him n the Congress candidates in Uttarakhand.
He saluted Rahul Gandhi for announcing Rs. 72000 financial support to every poor family of the country in case the Congress party comes to power at the centre.
The contest between Harish Rawat and Ajay Bhatt has become extremely interesting and it looks that despite Modi under current the Congress candidate Rawat has enhanced his position n popularity tremendously thus putting the position of BJP candidate n state chief Ajay Bhatt in jeopardy.
The morale of the Congress workers n leaders seems to be quite high and encouraging in Nainital political constituency as national leader Rawat’s presence in the fray has given a new lease of life by tremendously lifting the sagging morale of the Congress leaders and rank n file.