Myths & Facts
How can number of trees around you make money for you?

Trees are one of the important things which we need in our lives as these are only sources which provide oxygen and not just these they also provide environmental, economic and social benefits that are beneficial for a better quality of life. According to a study it was found that people living in a community where good numbers of trees are available reported that their quality of life improved and they felt 7 years younger with making up of $10,000 or more a year.
Trees makes you feel healthier and connected t Nature! A recent study published in the journal Nature showed that people who live in places with higher density of trees reported significantly better health and less diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, obesity and many more diseases.
Another study was done and its findings were published in PlosOne which revealed that high income neighborhoods in the selected cities were more likely to have a high tree population than low income neighborhoods.
So let us checkout that how does trees can increase your income
When trees are planted near your home and office they can lower your air conditioning and heating costs by indirectly decreasing the energy use and thereby increasing income.
If you have trees planted in your home then it increases the overall cost of the property by15% and it will also be very easy to sell off the house than a house without trees.
When business communities and business centres have more trees planted then people are more likely to slow down and linger at store windows and not just this they are willing to pay up-to 12% more for goods and services so that they can spend more time shopping thus increasing the sales.
Nowadays Industrial and office areas are demanding wooden settings because according to a study it was found that employees that have a shady area to eat and drink and also walk during lunch and tea breaks become more productive and stress free while working on the job. Also employees without a view of nature from their desks are reported 23% more illness than those with a good view.
If there is no space for trees where you are living or working than not to worry you can use indoor plants which can remove up-to 90% of air toxins and can improve your wellbeing.