How long would the women in Delhi be unsafe

Delhi has undoubtedly become a crime capital topping in terms of statistics and this fact has been unambiguously furnished by one of the prestigious newspaper of the country. The electronic channels and their reporters eloquently deliver various incidents of shameless crimes, rape of women including the adoloscents being the worst victim with increasing gangsterism, not to speak of the 38 thousand cases of chain snatching and thefts registered with the Delhi police during the last few years. Overall situation of a Delhite, particularly the women community is extremely vulnerable with no guarantee of their safety and security in majority of the shameless obnoxious incidents of women assaults.
The most uncalled for brutal incident of repeated merciless thrashing of a woman with iron rods after illegal confinement and a police woman in uniform having been publicly dragged in Narela by the dubious charactered women involved in a massive illicit liquor trade while the onlookers, majority of them being the male members not having the guts to come to the rescue of the victm, has made one thing absolutely and unambiguously for guaranteed that the criminal elements and those involved in the illicit liquor trade in the rural surroundings are least apprehensive about terror of the law enforcement agencies and everybody is scare of them despite the fact that its the capital city of India where law and order is always on the alert as claimed by the Delhi police. There have been accusation by the AAP and the Delhi Women Commission including the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejrival that the horrified woman victim was also paraded naked by the criminals and illicit botteleggers who did their best to ensure that the whistle blower woman is taught a most serious lesson by incessantly beating her in public with iron rods and even shamelessly dragging a woman policemen by hair.
The severely injured woman is badly horrified while being treated in hospital where the Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival met her and also approached the Delhi’s LG in person to demand strictest punishment to the guilty and provision of adequate security to the victim who’d bravely tried to expose the illicit liquor trade in Narela as a courageous whistle blower. However, the DCP of the Zone has given all assurances to try the guilty women under the strictest sections of the law but the point is how long will the whistle blowers of the society whether in Delhi or in other parts of the country continue to be the victims of criminals or supari killers and when would are state legislatures or the union government devise a strong and strict law for the safety and security of whistle blowers and RTI activists who risk their precious lives for the good of the society but are brutally killed or grievously injured with no governmental safety apparatus.
The incident of incessant thrashing of the woman volunteer exposing the illicit liquor trade in Narela in outer district by the criminals involved in the liquor trade is an unambiguous example of the increasing loss of the terror of law enforcing agencies particularly the police in the eyes of the latter ( criminals) who freely operate allegedly in league with the local law enforcing authorities and therefore feel that they are immune to any legal action. One can easily come to the conclusion through such brutal incidents of attacks on women in broad day light with her alleged naked parade, that the law breakers in the capital have become more and more over confident to commit lawlessness of gigantic nature sending a clear signal that they are least terrorised by the police authorities.
This most shameful incident of a whistle blower women including a police women in uniform being physically assaulted and grievously injured in broad day light with nobody having the courage to counter them is a terrible commentry about the worsening law and order situation in the nation’s capital and a wake up call for one and all as well. What do you say friends?