How to prevent LPG Cylinder explosion at home?

Come home at midnight after having a good time having dinner at a restaurant, to find the smell of gas scattered around the house.
The man goes to the kitchen to find the smell stronger. The subconscious mind pushed him to turn on the light and the kitchen explodes, the husband dies instantly and the wife moves to intensive care.
The furniture was seen 200 meters from the house, which means that the gas pipe explosion was stronger than the bomb.
The lesson learned from this appalling incident –
When you smell the gas do not turn on the light, but open all the doors and windows calmly, so that no spark occurs, then close the gas tube and do not turn on the light until the smell of gas completely disappears.
Also do not open the refrigerator if you smell the gas, because it also causes an explosion, and even do not switch on the suction fan because it has an electrical charge, just open the windows.
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This article brought to you by NewsViewsNetwork Bureau on behalf of Directorate General Fire Services, Civil Defense and Home Guards.