In UTTARAKHAND CM’ DISTRICT INHABITANTS STILL SUFFER FOR WANT OF ROADS, PREGNANT Women being ferried on temperory make shift Palki after covering 5 kilometre steep height

The people in the district from where the chief minister Uttarakhand primarily hails are suffering from acute problems of health and subsequent non availability of timely treatment in the absense of metalled roads in certain villages and areas of Pauri Garhwal despite the fact that the government of Uttarakhand and its PWD wing claims to have covered majority of the Uttarakhand villages with adequate motorable roads and other health related facilities.
But the relentless struggle of more than three weeks of the inhabitants of Ghandiyal, Pali and Dangi villages under the jurisdiction of Pauri Garhwal district in KALJIKHAL BLOCK from where hails the Uttarakhand chief minister unambiguously speaks of the fact as to how severely thousands of inhabitants of these villages and the surrounding areas are suffering in the absence of roads connecting them to the town and the capital through which they can expeditiusly redress their several health, education, employment and food related grievances.
Its really the sorry state of affairs of the successive Congress and BJP governments that have ruled Uttarakhand during the last 18 years but never had the time and vision to provide roads to these villages despite the fact that these villagers have been duly exercising their franchise and electing governments of their choice. This is why in view of the lack of motorable roads and other avenues such as lack of medical treatment, quality education and jobs the people of majority of the interior villages were constrained to migrate to towns, cities and metropolises during the last 70 years after independence with over ten lakhs officially making exodus to plains during the last two decades as per the latest statistics of the newly established Migration Commission of Uttarakhand.
The picture below showing the four youths carrying a six month pregnant ill women groaning in pain on a temperory make shift arrangement walking five kilometres on a steep pathway full of potholes in order to reach the main road from where she was ferried to hospital in a private taxi as 108 mobile ambulances are rarely seen in the interior hills. According to the leader of the protesting villagers demanding the construction of Ghadiyal- Pali- Dangi motorable road Jagmohan Singh Dangi, who’s also an awakened journalist, the villagers have been approaching the authrities for the past several years requesting them to fulfill their demand of a motorable road connecting several villages of the Pauri Garhwal district but of no awail.
Now they have been constrained to raise their voice in the form of relay hunger strike, sit in Dharna and protest demonstrations. Lets see whether the current government of the BJP having a resounding majority of 57 MLAs really comes to the rescue of these suffering villagers or betrays them with false assurances again. What’s your take friends?