Is Congress trying to be soft towards Hindutwa ? Rawat says, it’ll build Ram Temple if Congress comes to power !

The recent statement of the former Uttarakhand chief minister n AICC general Secretary Harish Rawat about his affirmation that Ram Mandir would be actually constructed by Congress party if it comes to power n not the BJP has definitely raised question mark on his party’s secular credibility ?
The Congress ideology, its election menifesto nor any of its senior leaders including Sonia Gandhi or the present party chief have ever said either in camera or in public that they will ever stand for the construction of Ram Temple.
I my self question you, did they ever ? The 135 year old party that always stood for the pluralistic society, unity in diversity formula and for purely secular India , does not the statement of its all India general secretary Harish Rawat openly assuring the people of India about his party favoring construction of Ram Temple if it comes to power go against the party’s basic ideological tenets n principles n why is it that nobody in the party has so far issued any statement for or against the controvertial statement.
The alleged logic given behind the former Uttarakhand CM’s statement favouring construction of Ram Temple by his party n partymen is that since the lock of the disputed temple was got opened during the era of Rajivji’s premiership, it will ultimately be the Congress party which will construct the Ram Temple when it comes to power n not the BJP which has been deliberately dragging the issue for the last 26 years n taking undue political advantage under the false pretext of constructing the Ram Temple.
Now there are two basic points behind this statement. One, either it has been issued in haste by Harish Rawat to undermine the BJP for betraying the hindu bhakts for the last twenty six years or the Congress Party is allegedly trying to go soft on Hindu agenda in its quest to seek the votes of the majority community as well. One should not forget that it was during the tenure of Late Govind Ballabh Pant being the Home minister of India that Idols of Ram Lala were placed in the disputed site.
Not only this but when Congress CM Veer Bahadur Singh was the UP CM n late Rajiv Gandhi PM, the locks of the temple were opened. And during Narsimha Rao’s tenure as the PM in 1992 the Babri Masjid was demolished by the hindu fundamentalists n the Kar Sewaks. But despite all this the Congress party has never ever compromised on its secular credentials n beliefs always believing in this vexed issue to be resolved through the honourable highest court of the country whereas the right wing parties, the BJP , VHP, RSS n other hindu outfits had been demanding bringing of the legislation on Ram Temple issue.
However, prime minister Narendra Modi preferred not to fall in their trap n assesing the dangerous implications behind such moves honoured the Court’s ruling leaving it fully on the nation’s judiciary. However, to keep the firward n upper castes of the country in good humour he instead went for ten percent reservation legislation for the economically deprived classes of the general catagory.
The general elections are round the corner n every party is trying its best to appease the voters of all communities, classes, religions n catagories of the society by way of either polarisation of votes in the name of religion or through introduction of various populist measures like Ram Temple, reservation or through other means. While BJP has so far failed to impress upon its majority community voters through Ram Mandir construction issue by not being able to get the ordinance introduced through the centre Uttar Pradesh’s Saffron clad CM Yogi Aditya Nath has thrown a new card of pensions to Sadhus n Sanyaasies in UP, never ever heard in the last 7 decades of the country’s polity.
While BJP’s repeated pleas n assurances on Ram Mandir issue is digestible to an extent as it’s a pro hindu party but Congress leader n national general secretary Harish Rawat’s new “Shagufa” populist announcement that Congress party will get the Ram Temple constructed in Ayodhya if it comes to power is something completely indigestible and out of context.
Is Congress really trying to hijack the BJP’s Ram Mandir issue in view of the fast aporoaching general elections could be anybody’s guess? Then what about its national minority vote bank? Is Congress really prepared to play such a huge risk ? Would anybody answer?
What’s your take friends?