Healthy Living
Masterpiece of a Doctor 

Dr. Patxi Ulibarri is the Medical Director of a Bilbao Hospital in Bizkaia Spain.
* This is the extract of an interview on local TV, where he was asked about food and sports issues …
Here it goes…
* Question: Cardiovascular exercises prolong life … Is it true?
* Answer: Your heart was made to beat a certain number of times and go … Do not waste those beats in exercises … Eventually, everything is spent. Accelerating your heart will not make you live longer: That’s like saying that you can prolong the life of your car by driving faster. Do you want to live longer? Take a nap. *
* Q: Should I stop eating red meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
* A: You need to understand the logistics of efficiency. What does the Lamb eat? Grass, fodder, and legumes. What are those things? Vegetables! Then a barbecue or a barbecue is nothing more than an effective mechanism to place vegetables in your system. Do you need grains? Eat chicken! *
* Q: Should I reduce my alcohol consumption?
* A: No way. Wine is made of fruit. Brandy is a distilled wine, which means that they take the water out of the fruit and thus one takes advantage of it better. Beer is also made from grains … Get drunk! *
* Q: What are the advantages of a regular exercise program?
* A: My philosophy is: If nothing hurts you, you’re fine and you do not have to do anything. *
* Q: Are fried foods harmful?
* A: YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO ME !! Today the food is fried in vegetable oil. These foods are literally impregnated with “vegetable” oil … How can something vegetable be harmful to your health? *
* Q: Do push-ups help reduce fat?
* A: Absolutely NO! Exercising a muscle only causes it to increase in size. *
* Q: Does chocolate do badly?
* A: Are you crazy? Cocoa, another vegetable! It is a very good meal to be happy. *
* Life should not be a trip to the grave, with the intention of getting there safe and sound with an attractive body and well preserved … Better to exceed: Beer in one hand, an appetizer in the other, much sex and a body totally spent, completely used and screaming: It was worth it !! WHAT TRIP!!!*
– If walking was healthy, the postman would be immortal.
– The whale swims all day, only eats fish, only takes water … and is fat !!
– The rabbit eats well, runs, jumps and lives only 15 years.
– The turtle does not run or do anything … * And lives 450 years! *
* If you can not find half of your orange, do not be discouraged … Look for half a lemon, add rum, ice, coke, and …
Be Happy
* Enjoy your Life !!! *