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March 15, 2025 7:28 PM

Natural Resources

Most Common Environmental Concerns of General Public



Read Time: 3 minutes

Today the entire world is focused on more than 30 environmental concerns that the Earth is currently facing. However, according to research conducted in 2016, people are most concerned about these six environmental issues.

Drinking-Water Contamination

Contamination of groundwater which is primarily used for household needs, including pollution of natural water bodies such as lakes, rivers, and other reservoirs, ranks top on the list of environmental issues.

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In order to limit the levels of groundwater pollutants such as microorganisms, disinfectants, and their byproducts, inorganic/organic compounds, and radionuclides, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set standards and guidelines to ensure the quality of drinking water to safeguard the public health. However, levels of toxic fluorinated compounds are reported to cross over the minimum levels set by EPA in 33 states across the United States.

Water Pollution

Water pollution is one of the major environmental issues. Most of the water resources such as rivers, streams, and oceans are polluted and associated issues include acid rain, ocean dumping, nutrient pollution, urban runoff, ocean acidification, oil spills, and wastewater.

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As per the research conducted in 2016, half the rivers in Asia, Africa, and South America are contaminated. According to the report, there are 12 to 18 million water-borne diseases reported yearly in the United States, half of which are transmitted through rains.

Air Pollution

Over the last decade, air pollution remained a steady concern for the entire world. Indoor, as well as outdoor air quality, has been deteriorating due to the carbon emissions, and other pollutants such as particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, sulfur oxides, refrigerants, and radon.

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According to the World Health Organization report (2016), around ninety-two percent of the world population lives with the polluted air. Approximately, three million deaths per year occur due to outdoor air pollution.

Wildlife Conservation and Species Extinction

The next major global issue is Wildlife conservation and associated environmental problems, such as the extinction of fauna and flora, endangered species, the introduction of invasive species, coral bleaching, poaching, and loss of natural animal habitats.

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As per the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the world is currently witnessing its sixth extinction event primarily led by human activities. The rate of extinction is estimated to be 1000-10,000 times faster than natural extinction rates, which in turn leads to the extinction of around 200-2000 species yearly. According to Mother Nature Network (MNN), around 38% of all terrestrial animals and 81% of freshwater vertebrates went extinct between 1970 -2012.

Loss of Tropical Rainforests

According to research reports, rainforests cover only 2% of the land, however, it supports 50% of its species.

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Despite this fact, among the tropical forests, the area of rainforests cleared is the maximum, and most of it is export-driven.

Climate Change/Global Warming

Climate change and global warming issues which majorly include tropospheric ozone depletion are primarily caused by CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). The rise in the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has resulted in global warming. NASA reported a decrease of 13% per decade in Arctic ice cover and around a 7-inch increase in sea levels over the last 100 years.

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Additionally, according to NASA, melting down of glaciers on the mountain tops, warmer oceans, and the increase in extreme events in the United States and other countries are some of the evidence of climate change.

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