Healthy Living
Next time try Pineapple juice to cure cough

If you have cough problem than you can try pineapple this time to avoid the cough problem which continues for several days. Pineapple is the best way to cure cough as it has bromelain enzyme which has anti-inflammatory properties and the combination of nutrients helps to fight off disease and kill bacteria found in throat. It also contains vitamin C in good quantity which makes your immune system stronger. Pineapple also reduces the mucus 5 times faster than the medical syrups.
When you drink pineapple juice it soothes the throat and helps mucus to come out from the lungs which cause awful sneezing and painful infections.
A research was done and its findings were published in “Der Pharma Chemica” in 2010, which stated that if patients of tuberculosis are given mixture of raw pineapple juice, pepper, salt and honey everyday then it helps to dissolve the mucus in the lungs and also cure the sore throat problem.
Do not go for packaged pineapple juice as it is not much healthy because it contains sugar and high fructose so it is better to make your fresh pineapple juice and add some honey, salt, lemon juice and ginger it will definitely cure you cough problem as well as sore throat problem.