
The chief minister of Uttarakhand considers China as the untrustworthy neighbour and says that increasing exodus of the villigers to cities, towns and metropolises is not only the matter of greatest concern from the point of view of villages becoming devoid of population but is also worrisome because our 600 kilometre border with China will become extremely porous and insecure if population from the border villages leave Uttarakhand.
Rawat says that the inhabitants of our border villages are protecting Uttarakhand’s boundaries by helping the Army and paramilitary stationed their by providing them vital information of enemy’s excursion in the Indian territory, providing them all types of significant assistant in security matters and keeping our borders prosper and lively.
The Uttarakhand government has therefore laid special emphasis on countering the menace of migration by developing growth centres at the Gram Sabha levels so that the agricultural farming and other constructive activities are developed at the decentrilised village levels and their products are sold in the local markets under special brands in addition to empowering the villages with other facilities as well.
The Uttarakhand chief minister was answersing the questions of the interviewee in the Lok Sabha television the today i.e. on 14th August.
Speaking on wide range of subjects pertaining to Uttarakhand with sufficient ease and confidence Rawat said: the 18 year state has made galloping progress during his one and a half year tenure with the enhancement in health facilities in the interior district hospitals of Uttarakhand by doubling the numbers of doctors and providing every hospital with the ICU and other facilities like E radiology and E medicines. The process is an ongoing one and will take some more time to continue.
On being asked about the difference in achievements during his last ione and a half year tenure UK CM Rawat said that when we went for the election our primary issue was development of the state and eradication of corruption. I can say with full confidence that during my little tenure of just 1and a 1/2 year I have drastically hit on corruption and put 50 corrupt officials in jail which includes about 22 officials ofthe NH 74 scam of worth 225 crores. The day I entered my office after the swraring in I ordered the NH 74 svam’s inwuiry and recommended for the CBI investigation. Had I not acted so fiercly and swiftly the scam would have reached to 300 crores.
I had very unambiguously made clear that our government is zero tolerant towards the corruption in the state. Corruptors are running heywire. Some have gone out of the country. It is forthe fist ime that the state has retrieved Rs. 5 crores from the scamsters and more are following suit. In my opinion if any state has to progress and prosper its leadership should hit the corruption first as the money ofthe poor andthe public exchequer can’t be allowed to be looted.
Regarding the incessant felling of trees in the construction of the prime minister’s flagship all weather road project in Uttarakhand and its subsequent progress the chief minister said that in Uttarakhand which is covered by forests in the 60 to 70% areas has during the past few years increased its forest cover tremendously.
He has received complaints and objections from the NGT about felling of trees but in terms of development we have to ensure that the balance of development and environment is not disturbed hence we have issued instructions to ensure that less trees are axed and for every tree cut atleast 10 trees are planted and duly maintained till they grow fully.
He said that his government has planted more than 1.5 lakh trees in the Rispana river and Kosi river basin in order to recharge these dried rivers and added that it’s an authentic information, not a populist measure.
Speaking on the primary sector of economy generation in Uttarakhand, the domestic Tourism industry, the chief minister said that we have given special impetus to this sector as our people are in large number in the hospitability industry and the services sector.
Even when prime minister Narendra Modi was on tour abroad in whichever country he travelled he was pleased to meet the chefs of Uttarakhand serving there. The Uttarakhandies are accepted all over the globe due to their sobriety, generosity, kindness , good behaviour and dedication.
Therefore our special impetus to the tourism sector will help generate employment as well as economy. During my tenure the number of tourists every six months have increased manifold as compared to the earlier figures during the previous government.
He added that in the history of India it was during his government’s tenure that the president Pranav Mukerjee, Ram Nath Kovind and Prime minister Narendra Modi visited Uttarakhand and Kedarnath twice.
This has helped in rebuilding the confidence of the national and foreign tourists to a great extent instilling in them the confidence about their security issues which was lacking earlier.This is a great achievement.
Speaking on the progress made in the development of the Kedarnath Shrine vicinity or precints where the prime minister has taken special interest, Trivendra Singh Rawat said that during his tenure of less than two years the Kedarpuri precints have been fully developed. The PM wanted to fully renovate the Adi Shankaracharya’s Samadhi behind the Kedarnath temple and construction of the full fleged library on the life and outstanding works of this great seer who made the temple about more than ten decades ago.
Modiji desired that people should be made aware of the great seer’s works, achievements and moral values. The work on this museum on Adishankaracharya is almost complete.
Modiji also wanted that few caves and centres be constructed on the uperside of Kedarnath temple for meditation. The work is going on on a war footing.
Rawat said that even the former Uttarakhand chief minister Harish Rawat appreciated his government’s performance of the excellent rennovation work going on in Kedarnath when he visited Kedarpuri few monthsag with a binocular in his hands.
In addition Dharamshalas for tourists and the temple pujaries have been completed and 8 to ten metres wide hi tech roads are also adding to the glamour of this religious and spiritual township added Rawat.
Summing up, the chief minister said that his government’s basic and primary object is: development and getting the state rid of corruption. Pointing ou few of the achievements he said that while the state government is constructing an international convention centre at Rishikesh in an area of about 20000 hectares recently purchased from the central government it has also started using the pine needles (which are extremely hazardpus for our lands and environment and highly prone to spread of fire in the jungles thus extensively harming our flora and fauna) for extracting Taard ( chemical) from them to be further used for manufacturing Charcoal in roads contruction and other types of bio fuels like petrol from pine needle etc for various productive activities.