Owner of Hyatt Regency hotel Delhi comes forward to revive Boar village of Pauri Garhwal under CSR initiative

The chairman and managing director of the ASIAN HOTELS ( North) limited and owner of a prestigious five star hotel in New Delhi Shiv Kumar Jatiya has come forward to extend all possible financial and hospitality related help and contribution to revive the Boar village situated in Pauri Garhwal village adopted by the newly elected Rajya Sabha MP from Uttarakhand n national spokesperson, BJP Anil Baluni under the Pradhanmantri Adarsh Gram Yojna in an effort to trigger reverse migration in Uttarakhand.
In a letter sent to member of parliament Baluni, the CMD of the ASIAN HOTELS ( NORTH) Ltd Shiv Kumar Jatiya while congratulating the former for adopting the Boar village situated Pauri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand under the Pradhanmantri adarsh Gram Yojna has extended all possible help and support, financial n otherwise to revive the uninhabitated village Boar by way of developing homestays in order to encourage local youths earn their livelyhood.
While expressing his good wishes Jatiya hoped that this unique initiative of Anil Baluni will help trigger reverse migration thus encouraging native Uttarakhandies return to their roots with the hope of a bright and prosperous future. While assuring Rajya Sabha MP Anil Baluni of all possible help and support under the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative Jatiya has written : We at the Asian Hotel ( North) Limited, owning Hyatt Regency Hotel Delhi would like to join hands with in your efforts and play our part in helping you revive the BOAR VILLAGE of Pauri Garhwal. Tourism Industry is the mainstay of Uttarakhand’s economy. We being the pioneers and leaders of hospitality business would like to develop “Homestays”, in Boar village so that this picturesque village could feature prominently in Uttarakhand’s tourism village.
Mr. Jatiya has assured of helping the local villagers, particularly the youth in starting ‘homestays” so as to enable them earn their livelihood. The management of Hyatt Regency Hotel will ensure that the local youths are adequately trained to efficiently run their “Homestays” and help in marketing / sales of the same so that more n more tourists visit the Boar village. Assuring of the company’s all possible help Mr. Jatiya concludes by saying that the company Asian Hotels would provide all possible help under CSR for taking up this important initiative which will have deep impact at the grass roots level to pave the way towards tackling the issue of Migration in Uttarakhand.
It may be recalled that number of member of parliaments have adopted several villages under the Pradhanmantri Adarsh Gram Yojna but the results have not been encouraging. This is for the first time perhaps when such a prestigious group of Five Star Hotel’s CMD have come forward to help in reviving an uninhabitated village of Garhwal, Uttarakhand. This healthy initiative of Asian Hotels will definitely set a good precedent in future to entice more and more companies of repute adopt more such villages in order to encourage reverse migration and open new avenues for employment.
Niharika Ghia
October 8, 2018 at 6:23 PM
Thats not only good news but also inspiring. I do hope other professionals & entrepreneurs also follow the same. Congratulations and good wishes