Pakistan, Punjab, Haryana adding to Delhi’s pollution woes through excessive stubble burning

The capital city of India Delhi continues to bear the ignominy of one of the most disastrous polluted cities of India and years ago even the Queen of England Elizabeth had given this national capital territory the tag of the worst polluted city when had cutshort her visit after personally experiencing the suffocation while breathing.
While there is not an inkling of doubt that Delhi is a most polluted city despite being the capital of the largest democracy of the world with the president, prime minister, entire union cabinet, the judges of Supreme and high courts and 1crore 35 lakh people living here, the fact can’ t be denied either that in the neighbouring state of Punjab and Haryana where agricultural activity is the highest in India may be a step or two low, am not sure but stubble burning in these states is the highest to the tune of 1crore 85 lakh quintals of stubble burning every season, componded with the excessive crop burning in Pakistan causing myriad poisionous gases that after getting entangled in the environment and skies gets diverted towards Delhi making the lives of Delhites literally a hell.
This fact have even been proved by the sattelite images posted in twitter and facebook unambiguously showing excessive clouds over the skies of Punjab n Haryana as compared to Delhi slowly and steadily flowing towards Delhi throgh the air and wind pressure. There is no doubt that Delhi being the city with a massive population of 1.35 crores witnessing tremendous migration on day to day basis is already polluted having more than 80 lakh or even more vehicles compounded with passing of thousands of diesal trucks within its boundaries releasing myriad quantity of polluted gases and fumes.
But the staggering amount of stubble burning in Pakistani areas bordered with Punjab, in Punjab and Haryana to the tune of shocking 1crore 85 lakh quintals as given me to understand from one of the reporters’ of India TV makes thing absolutely clear that this permanent phenomena of crop burning in such an infinite quantity, if not stopped can create havoc woth the lives of millions of people in and around Delhi. Just imagine the pollution index of Delhi after so many days of Deepawali nearing 500 points, today being 448 on the index is of the most severest catagory, thus posing direct threat to the lives of Delhi and the NCR citizens.
Meanwhile, the cases and number of patients of cardiac ailments, respiratory problems, asthmatic attacks and chronic obstructive pulmorary desease have increased by over 20% in Delhi AIIMS n other government and private hospitals like Fortis and Superspeciality MAX hospital with doctors finding it difficult to cope with the situation. Actually politics over the vote bank of the peasents is one of the prime reason behind non penalisation of defaulters in cases pertaining to stubble burning in the neighbouring state of Haryana and Punjab.
All the chief ministers of several states alongwith the union government should sit together and arrive at a unanimous solution to deal with this vexed problem of Pollution irrespective of party and ideological affiliations. Health of the people should be kept at the forefront of any agenda of these affected states and no time should be wasted to devise ways and means to deal with this crisis before it’s too late. What do you say friends?