PM Narendra Modi participates in a cleanliness drive. Ropes’ in Amitabh and Ratan Tata in Swach Bharat Abhiyan

The prime minister of India Narendra Modi has personally sweeped the a small portion of an area with a broom in a school in Paharganj Delhi and literally participated in the Swach Bharat Abhiyan part 2 by lifting the rubbish by his hands sending a message accross that every Indian should participate in the cleanliness drive to make the country clean and hygienic, devoid of deseases and various ailments.
The prime minister also spoke to industrialist Ratan Tata and popular cine actor n former MP from Allahabad Amitabh Bachchan, calling him the super hero of the millenium, involving them in his quest to keep India neat and clean.
The government appointed Amitabh Bachchan as the Ambassador of the Swach Bharat Abhiyan 2, his flagship programme under which about 430 districts of the country have been fully equipped with toilets claims PM Modi.
Meanwhile today, the prices of petrol and diesal again witnessed an increase adding to the woes of countrymen.
It was indeed a novel initiative by the prime minister to interact with the star of a millenium as pronounced by PM Modi, Amitabh Bachchan and Ratan Tata through tele conferencing and seek their support and participation in the Swach Bharat Abhiyan 2 and seek their opinion to mobilise people of this country in the mission.
The prime minister requested Amitabh to share his views on TV screen which he did by thanking the PM and narrating various incidents regarding his contribution in the cleanliness drive on Varsova Beach of Mumbai by donating an expensive machine to dig out rubbish, plastic and garbage dumped inside the beach and a tractor to transport the accumulated plastic and rubbish in the garbage dumps to the outskirts of the city in Mumbai.
Amitabh said: individual participation in the cleanliness mission is more significant than depending on the various government agencies.
It may be recalled that the Swach Bharat Abhiyan was initiated for the first time as a clean India initiative by prime minister Narendra Modi to pay tributes to the father of the nation on his 150th birth anniversary on 2nd October 2014 in the length and bredth of the country as a national movement.The campaign aims to achieve the vision of a ‘Clean India’ by 2nd October 2019.
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is the most significant cleanliness campaign by the Government of India. Shri Narendra Modi led a cleanliness pledge at India Gate, which about thirty lakh government employees across the country joined.
He also flagged off a walkathon at Rajpath and surprised people by joining in not just for a token few steps, but marching with the participants for a long way.
However, despite so much of stress in the programme considered as a flagship mission of prime minister Modi and incurring of hundreds of crores in its publicity not much has been achieved at the national level.
Even in the capital city of India one can easily find the garbage dumps filled with filth and garbage openly lying on roads, public toilets completely uncleaned giving a foul smell, drains full of garbage dumps, govt hospital in unhyginic conditions, residential and market areas, particularly streets uncleaned and external areas of even metro stations full of rubbish and garbage dumps.
The malnourished poor children involved in segregating garbage for their livelyhood can be conveniently seen in various Dhalaos and dumps in extremely pitiable sorry state with nobody caring for their survival and avademic future.
There is literally no achievement at the decentralised level despite so much of noise and government sponsered publicity involving hundreds of crores of the tax payers money for branding political images of leaders and political establishment than actually carrying out Swach Bharat Abhiyan in practical on the ground.
However, prime minister Modi’s initiative is worth laudable and the countrymen should follow suit.
Special emphasis should be laid on the various municipal corporations of the country to enhance staff and earnestly expedite the cleanliness drive at every nook and corners ofeachn every ward at the decentralized level to make the prime minister’s flagship programme areal success but sorry to say itsmore on papers, televisions than on the gound. What’s your take friends?