PRIME MINISTER’S master stroke in Indore, Madhya Pradesh today

The way prime minister Narendra Modi has yesterday i.e. on 13th September spoken to the party cadres of Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Arunachal Pradesh and Rajasthan’s five parliamentary constituencies particularly before the Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram and Chattisgarh elections through vedio conferencing and instructed them to strengthen the party organisation at the booth level to ensure the party’s victory in 2019 elections as well interacting with them for a pretty good time unambiguosly speaks of the fact that the top leadership of the saffron party has formally started its organisational revival activity at the broad level.
The prime minister Narendra Modi’s today’s visit at a mosque in Indore, Madhya Pradesh meeting and embracing the religious heads of the minority community and then delivering a detailed speech impressing one and all, especially the minorities of the state and the country by praising them for their valuable contribution in the nation building and establishing communal harmony also sends across a message that the saffron party is all set to bring into its fold the decisive minority vote bank which usually is not under its control and the party have never in the past even thought to bank on this significant vote bank.
The way prime minister acknowledged a most rousing welcome and hugs by the spiritual heads of the Bohra Muslim Community of Indore and his impressive hour long speech praising them including his government’s over all achievements have been taken extremely seriously and in right earnest by the muslim community present at the venue.
The prime minister’s speech was also televised by almost all the national news channels giving him, his government and the BJP led NDA maximum political mileage. The prime minister Narendra Modi has been addressing number of public meetings for the last few days and so is the BJP national chief Amit Shah busy in resurrecting and energising the party orgainsation in Rajasthan , Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh.
If we believe in the political analysis of few experts it is believed that the main reason of the increasing political activities and preparaions of the BJP high ups, particulary the prime minister Narendra Modi has been due to the increasing onslaught of the Congress party and the anti BJP opposition on the increasing prices of petroleum products / LPG, Rafale jet fighter deal, inflation, agrarian crisis and unemployment compounded with the opposition’s unity efforts and the BJP’s loss in 10 parliamentary seats in various byelections during the past recent months in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Maharashtra etc.
Added to this is the issue of Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi and Choksi who are out of the country duping the state exchequer of thousands of crores of rupees thus giving opposition a chance to put the finger of suspicion on the Modi government.
Never before in the history of any political party has any functioning prime minister interacted with the party cadres through video conferencing, directing them to strengthen the party at the grass root level to send across the message to the entire party and never before had any prime minister’s full speech been live televised by any private television channels except the speech of Independence day.
This is all being managed to establish the prime minister’s reach to each and every corner n house hold all over the country prior to the elections to the four states and the national elections of 2019.
And one should not forget that as a policy matter the prime minister in his every elaborate speech never forgets to highlight its all achievements and proposals in pipeline thread bare right from employment to toilets to Swach Bharat Abhiyan to health insurance to bank accounts to housing for the poor to free gas delivery to the poorer sections to electrification of villages to interest free housing loans to a crore or more houses to the economically deprived sections of the society etc.
The BJP’s well orchestreted policy and planning is to regain all the four states by hook or by crook and open the doors for an unambiguous victory in the 2019 elections as according to PM Modi himself, the badly scattered and sqabbling non BJP opposition desperate for the chair of prime ministership is his greatest strength which will by all means ensure his return to power in the 2019, for sure. What’s your take friends?