Remembering Kaka is like remembering an era of Superstardom ! Join us on 26th December at Islamic Centre, New Delhi

The Uttarakhand Journalists Forum in association with a renowned entertaining musical group of the capital,Harmony, famous for organising legendary Bollywood musician RD Burman’s musical nights in Delhi every year, is organising a grand musical evening at the prestigious India Islamic Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi on 26th December from 5.00 PM to 10.00 PM to commemorate the 76th Birth Anniversary of the first and original superstar of Bollywood Rajesh Khanna aka Kaka n MP who would have been of 76 years, had he been physically within us.
Having entertained billions of his fans globally by his outstanding histrionics and distinctive performance as a superstar n incredible hero of more than 200 films during his chequered career of four decades in Bollywood Rajesh Khanna is a legend unparalleled pronounced as the superstar of the millenium.
Having given more than two dozens of super duper hits and having acted in over 200 films Rajesh Khanna was a phenomena who ruled the hearts of billions of his die hard fans world over for years together.
We miss him too much. However, the true fact is Rajesh Khanna never dies. He is immortal.
In order to remember this true original and only super star of Indian Bollywood silver screen may we request all of you to join us by paying tributes to the SUPER STAR OF THE MILLENIUM RAJESH KHANNA AKA KAKAJI on 26th December 2018 at INDIA ISLAMIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI.
Several outstanding singers from Delhi, Mumbai and other parts of India would sing Kaka’s song and make the evening really memorable. So do come n be the significant part of the mesmerising evening of Rajesh Khanna’s super duper songs of his golden n diamond jubilee movies. Eagerly looking forward to see all of you.
Niharika Ghia
November 12, 2018 at 2:24 AM
Thats very nice of you to organise such an event Sunil Sir. Many congratulations and best wishes for a successful show
Sunil Negi
November 14, 2018 at 5:32 PM
Thanks very much
Niharika Ghia
December 17, 2018 at 1:42 PM
Wishing your programme a great success. May Rajesh Khannaji continue to shower his love and blessing to you forever n ever from his heavenly aboard