Renowned Uttarakhandi female singer interested to contest Mayoral election fom Ghaziabad

The Uttarakhand community in Ghaziabad district irrespective of party affiliations, particularly the Bhartiya Janata Party leaders of Uttrakhand background are endeavoring to bring an unanimity in a common name for the pivotal post of the Mayor of Ghaziabad, the election for which is scheduled to be held in the last week of November, 2017.
A meeting of the important social activists and prominent activists of Uttarakhand in Delhi and Ghaziabad has been convened for 24th September at Lajpat Nagar Sahibabad. The common name cropping up in the consensus is that of Kalpana Chouhan the renowned melodious Singer of Uttarakhand having sung more than five thousand songs with her CDs’ in the market doing bumber sale.
If the singing legend Narendra Singh Negi is the most popular and highly acceptable number one male singer of Uttarakhand, similarly SWAR KOKILA OF UTTARAKHAND Kalpana Chouhan is the number one female singer of this Himalayan state. A full timer singer having played a significant role in preserving the folk culture and regional singing, credit also goes to her and her musician singer husband Rajendra Chouhan to organise for the first time ever the Uttarakhand talent hunt event in Mumbai after choosing budding singers from all over Uttarakhand through aidition tests at the decentralised level.
Extremely popular in the socio political and cultural circles of Utarakhand in India as well as abroad, Kalpana Chouhan has organised and sung in hundreds of cultural nights including films of Uttarakhand. The amount of tremendous affection Kalpana begets from her fans and well wishers was evident when few years ago she unfortunately met with a fatal accident, the entire Uttarakhand government and its then CM Dr. Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank and the then union Minister Harish Rawat came to her rescue, morally and financially and her thousands of friends prayed for her speedy recovery.
Shockingly she lost her half leg in this accident and is now perfect with an artificial limb. The Uttarakhandi voters have a majority strength in Ghaziabad constituency with 3 lakh out of total votes of four lakhs. They have terrible grudge with both the political parties Congress and BJP of using their votes but never giving opportunity to any candidate of Uttarakhandi background. This time they are serious and instead of supporting candidates of other parties of non Uttarakhandi background want that either BJP or Congress give an UTTARAKHANDI their party ticket failing which they will across party lines and ideological affiliations support an Uttarakhandi candidate and the name of prominent woman singer and social activist Kalpana Chouhan seems to be an unanimous choice depending whether either of the national party declares her their official candidate.