Regional News
Round Table & Ladies Circle India to Celebrate RTI & LCI Week

Round Table & Ladies Circle India to Celebrate RTI & LCI Week from Nov 22-28
Various activities including COVID Relief, Cataract Operations, Computer Lab Setup in Underprivileged School, Blood Donation Camp, Go Green Project, Quiz, Creative Activities for Kids amongst many others are planned during the week.
All the Round Table & Ladies Circle Chapters in Area 6 (Bangalore, Vellore, Tumkur & Hosur) have come together to plan various activities in this week, which include, COVID Relief, Cataract Operations, Computer Lab Setup in Underprivileged School, Blood Donation Camp, Go Green Project, Quiz, Creative Activities for Kids amongst many other.
Round Table India, is an organization of non-political and non-sectarian young men between the age group of 18 and 40, promoting service, fellowship, and goodwill in national and international affairs. Working towards the education of underprivileged children, to date, 7141 classrooms have been built across India in 3041 schools, impacting over 78 lakhs of children.
Ladies Circle India is kishnon-political and non-sectarian Organisation with membership open to only the wives of members Round Table India. It offers opportunities for serving the community, fostering, and strengthening friendships between like-minded young women and helps create a better understanding of the obligations one owes to society. Ladies Circle India comprises over 1600 members with 114 active Circles spread across India, present in 19 States and 57 cities.