Celeb News
Salman Khan’s reaction over Pakistani artists and surgical strike

Everybody is happy with the surge attack of India on Pakistan and celebrating the killing of the terrorist of Pakistan in their location but it seems that Superstar Salman Khan is not happy with this act of the Indian Army and feels that the Pakistani actors should be allowed to work in Bollywood.
India and Pakistan has always been two politically hostile countries and this fact is not hidden to anyone in the World. On the recent surgical attack on the terrorist launching pads Bollywood actors have come out and reacted on the issue. Salman Khan has also given his views and broken his long silence over the matter.
He was attending an event and at that some reporters asked his opinion about the surgical attack and he said that it was the right move taken by the Indian Government and Indian because they killed the terrorists which is right. He also said that ideally it should have been a situation of peace between the two countries and every action has a reaction and whatever happened now is the reaction to the action. He feels that in this stage it would be better if we would stay at peace and spread love across the border.
In Mumbai the right wing of MNS also decided to ban Pakistani artists from India and now, The Indian Motion Pictures Producer’s Association has passed a resolution which bans the Pakistani artists till the situation becomes normal between the two countries.
When Salman Khan was asked about the ban of Pakistani artist he became defensive and said that terrorists and artists are different. He asked that do you think there is no difference between an actor and terrorist. He further said that actors come here with a proper visa granted by the Government of India and they have proper work permit.
Please share your thoughts on whether Pakistani Actors would be allowed to come and work in India or not.
Everybody is happy with the surge attack of India on Pakistan and celebrating the killing of the terrorist of Pakistan in their location but it seems that Superstar Salman Khan is not happy with this act of the Indian Army and feels that the Pakistani actors should be allowed to work in Bollywood.
India and Pakistan has always been two politically hostile countries and this fact is not hidden to anyone in the World. On the recent surgical attack on the terrorist launching pads Bollywood actors have come out and reacted on the issue. Salman Khan has also given his views and broken his long silence over the matter.
He was attending an event and at that some reporters asked his opinion about the surgical attack and he said that it was the right move taken by the Indian Government and Indian because they killed the terrorists which is right. He also said that ideally it should have been a situation of peace between the two countries and every action has a reaction and whatever happened now is the reaction to the action. He feels that in this stage it would be better if we would stay at peace and spread love across the border.
In Mumbai the right wing of MNS also decided to ban Pakistani artists from India and now, The Indian Motion Pictures Producer’s Association has passed a resolution which bans the Pakistani artists till the situation becomes normal between the two countries.
When Salman Khan was asked about the ban of Pakistani artist he became defensive and said that terrorists and artists are different. He asked that do you think there is no difference between an actor and terrorist. He further said that actors come here with a proper visa granted by the Government of India and they have proper work permit.
Please share your thoughts on whether Pakistani Actors would be allowed to come and work in India or not.