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March 4, 2025 6:08 PM


Several organisations unite to discuss on clean environment. Ecological dialogue of GFI was a grand success.



20180618 192930
Read Time: 3 minutes

Several organisations of Uttarakhand and enlightened individuals gathered together enthusiastically and discussed about the increasing pollution and subsequent danger to the human lives at Chandigarh on 17th afternoon for three hours incessantly and came to a conclusion that such significant interactive sessions should be continued in future as well to consistently awaken the people at large about out deteriorating ecology and ways and means to get out of the increasing environmental pollution that has made our lives literally hell in almost every, city, town and the metropolices of our country now extending its ugly influence in villages and rural areas of the contry too, which once used to be our lungs giving us fresh Oxygen in abundance and making our lives healthy, strong and sturdy.

But today, we have been surrounded by polluted environment having several hundred percent increase in SPM in the air and rivers slowly and steadily converting into drains full of pollutants, plastics, chemicals and poision of factories and tanneries. Polluted Ganges and its entire tributaries like Yamuna and several other rivers are the best examples exhibiting these disturbing trends, where, despite the government and World bank’s wasting hundreds of thousands of crores since several years the situation is still to square one.

The mountains are burning. Our flora and fauna are on the extinction and huge hydropower projects still displacing people and taking their tolls compounded with destroying and disturbing the ecology of the Himalayan regions and the rural villages compelling the wild life to attack the human beings and making them, their regular preys.

The increasing use of plastics, globally, has vitiated the environment badly and if the use of plastic is continued unabatedly the time is not far when our oceans wull assume the shape of plastic mountains. A single plastic bottle and its lid takes 300 and 500 years respectively, to perish. Such is the ugly ill affect of the use of plastics which should be given up using other alternatives that are soluble in water and easily perishable like paper bags etc.

The climate change have also changed the pattern and cycle of monsoon, summer, springs and winter seasons thus throwing hazardous influence on the peoples’ health and the flora and fauna of the country.

Under the guise of revolutionery development our metropolises, cities and towns are converting into the jungles of concretes with millions n millions of cemented hi tech flats coming up but completely devoid of trees and greeneries.

The emissions of gases from the billions of air conditioners, fuels, cars, trucks and dust pollution from the construction activites have added to the already deepening environmental crisis in the offing.

The himalayan glaciers are melting with a rapid speed and have already shifted 48 klms backwards due to increasing global warming as a result of rampant green house emisions worldwide with the developed countries imposing their muscular and money oriented dominance on the developing countries, not to speak against them.

The discussion titled ” ECOLOGICAL DIALOGUE ” was quite successful as journalists, social activists, Retired Army Officers, academicians and theatre activists expressed their views and opinions in details and urged for more such healthy interactive debates on environment. Prominent amongst those who spoke on the ocassion were sr Journalists Suresh Nautiyal, Sunil Negi, Ishwar Chand Dhyani and Mr. Gulati of The Tribune, Chr, Dr. Vinod Nautiyal, Intl green activist, Colonel Parmar, Major Onkar Uttarakhandi, Bhagwan Chand, Mr. Aswal, Sundliji and others.

Prior to the event 5 Neem saplings were planted at the Tribune park in Chandigarh. The host was Green Forum India.
Sunil Negi, President, Uttarakhand Journalists Forum

Sunil Negi hails from Uttarakhand and is a veteran journalist and author. He is a prolific writer and has carved a name for himself in the media world. He received the 'Golden Achiever Award' in the '90th AIAC Excellence Awards 2019' for his book ''Havoc in Heaven'' based on the tragedy that struck Uttarakhand in which thousands of people lost their lives. He is also the President of Uttarakhand Journalists Forum and majorly writes on Politics, Current Affairs, and Social Issues.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Niharika Ghia

    June 19, 2018 at 1:24 PM

    Very nice initiative. Good work by you Sunil Sirji. Applaud your efforts and enthusiasm towards a friendly environment. Nice pictures. Good luck and best wishes to all

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