Shatru stands up in support of Arvind Kejrival in the chilli powder attack case

When the entire BJP unit of Delhi state and its senior leaders, including the saffron party leaders of national stature are lambasting the Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival and his cohorts for allegedly stage managing the chilli powder attack on him two days ago at the Delhi Secretariat for cheap media publicity and gaining the sympathy of Delhi electorates terming it a political stunt, one leader of the BJP and actor turned politician Patna Sahib MP Shatrughan Sinha has as usual come out in the support of the Aam Admi Party and the Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival praising him to the fullest, in terms of his outstanding pro people achievements for the Delhi people and also condemning the attack on him as shameful and cowardly thus extending his support and sympathy to the vociferous and ardent anti BJP CM of the capital of India.
Not only this but controvertial Shatru who is famous or infamous for triggering attacks, criticism and salvos on the prime minister Narendra Modi n his party’s top bossess has not only accorded Arvind Kejrival a certificate of extreme transparency, popularity n honesty but has also indirectly termed those trading charges on him as inhuman and ruthless.
Just after the chilli powder attack on him, now a days the most intimate friend Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival, while the trend of charges and counter allegations were on by the BJP and AAP pertaining to the attack, Patna Sahib BJP MP Sharughan Sinha lost no opportunity to tweet condemning the incident and decorating Delhi CM as a pro people CM and leader with impeccable integrity. He also accused the Delhi police of diluting the entire matter saying that he too has lot of friends in the state police. He tweeted twice in continuation. According to his tweets: (I) Highly condemn the shameful and cowardly attack on Delhi CM @ Arvind Kejrival yesterday. He is the man with an impeccable image and tremendous popularity. In a democracy, we can agree to disagree, but politics should be healthy, not inhuman or ruthless. My sympathies and support is for his family and his people. He has brought many transformations in Delhi, especially in education and health. He has fought and succeeded against all odds. Though, some of my best friends are in police but unfortunately they tried to dilute the situation.
Niharika Ghia
November 22, 2018 at 2:43 PM
Leave him alone