
It’s really shocking to note that large scale incidents of the torture, physical and sexual assaults of children, especially the minor girls are coming to the fore one by one in various states of the country giving one and all an impression that corruption and negligence by the authorities concerned is having an upper say than their regulatory actions which should have rather been the subject matter of extreme priority.
The conditions of shelter homes, orphanages and social welfare housing facilities run by the state governments under the social welfare ministries in various states of the country seem to be in doldrums and quandary despite the hard fact that the governments pump a hefty budget for different welfare schemes like giving adequate shelter, medical support, education, clothings, stay and food stuffs for the hapless and parentless children and adults especially the girls who are rescued by the government agencies from the clutches of the traffickers, from brothels or those found missing in pity conditions.
The private shelter homes run by hundreds of NGOs’ all over the country and the government aided shelter homes and orphanages housing these hapless children and girls are usually in very bad, ugly and obnoxious conditions and state of affairs with majority of the funds being allegedly siphoned off meant for their over all welfare subsequently putting them is extremely pitiable and awful conditions.
The horrible incidents of human trafficking particularly of the girls below eighteen, their incessant torture, sexual and physical assault has allegedly become the order of the day. The sanitary condition of majority of these shelter homes are aweful and not prone for healthy living and cases of sexual assault are a common feature.
The reason behind these irregularities is primarily the financial profit orientation in every material required for the welfare and well being of the children stationed here.
There have allegedly been number of incidents of inmates dieing out of starvation, mal nutrition and mal nourishment in several shelter homes of the country in addition to the shameful incidents of sexual assaults and repeated rapes.
The recent mishappenings of horrible and shocking rapes of minor girls in Bihar, Utter Pradesh and now in Kathual Jammu and Kashmir has literally shaken everybody’s inner conscience and confidence of one and all in the country and compelled us to hang our heads in shame.
Just a day before yesterday i.e. on 8th of September about 19 children had been rescued from an orphanage started about four years ago where a pastor have been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting, raping and physically torturing about eight minor girls sending shock waves all over the country. A few months ago an eight year old girl was shamefully gang raped and subsequently diabollically murdered by a group of accused in Kathua.
There was a national outrage that compelled the lawmakers to finally device a law in parliament granting death penalty for the rape of the girls below twelve years of age.
It may be recalled that the Protection of the Child Rights Commisions and State Women Commisions are the main statutory bodies working in all the states of the country on whom lies the basic responsibilities to regulate and oversee the functions of these shelter homes, orphanages and housing outlets being financially aided by the union and state governments but they seldom conduct raids or periodic inspections to ensure the safety, security and adequate well being of these hapless children especially the girls who are the most vulnerable lot.
It’s the right and high time now that these statutory bodies do their respective duties in the most sensitive and vigilant ways in order to control the dreaded menace of the illegal child trafficking and their physical, mental and sexual assault going on unabatedly since long.What’s your take friends?