A totally out of the box solution by Mamata di

Read Time: < 1 minuteA totally out of the box solution
In West Bengal, every week, they will keep changing the lockdown days so the virus will not be able to guess when to attack … this is going to confuse and break the morale of the virus and it will have no option other than to leave West Bengal. So we won’t be needing any vaccine etc.
In West Bengal, the coronavirus is active only 2 days a week.
A totally out of the box solution
Masterstroke by Mamata di:
In West Bengal, every week, they will keep changing the lockdown days so the virus will not be able to guess when to attack … this is going to confuse and break the morale of the virus and it will have no option other than to leave West Bengal. So we won’t be needing any vaccine etc.
In West Bengal, the coronavirus is active only 2 days a week.
As per further research by the authorities here, the virus also decides on different 2 days every week.
This in-depth knowledge is an eye-opener for the entire world as this research is completely new and unprecedented!