Student of mere third standard impresses Home minister Rajnath Singh with his outstanding knowledge

The other day I happened to be in the cabin of the union home minister Rajnath Singh at his New Delhi residence in connection with the book release of Dr. Hema Uniyal and also with an intent to present my book on Uttarakhand disaster of 2013 titled Havoc in Heaven.
While we were being introduced to the minister by the former Uttarakhand minister and the shooting protagonist, father of international shooter Jaspal Rana, Narayan Singh Rana my eyes stuck on a student of merely third standard Kunal Yadav of Gurugram who was accquainted to the former as a GOOGLE BOY with outstanding calibre acquiring infinite knowledge at such a tender age. The home minister Rajnath Singh was also stunned to see him answering various trivial questions seamlessly with ease to the utter surprise of one and all present there.
He went on giving his lecture uninterruptedly on every subject like a talking machine and impressed the minister within no time with the extraordinary mind blowing knowledge, this god gifted minor possesed on almost all the subjects. When the minister asked him to name the union territories of the country the boy unreluctantly took no time to answer them adequately. Wow what a sharp knowledge and outstandingly enlightened and intelligent mind even faster than a computor.
Having come to meet the union minister home with his father Sanjay Yadav from Gurugram at the behest of Narayan Singh Rana the outstanding google boy as he is known, made everybody highly impressed by his tremendous knowledge of things which I believe even an intelligent adult well versed in eye que and practice would not posess.
Having been specifically honoured by the law makers across party and ideological lines in Haryana Vidhan Sabha on 13 March 2018 Google boy Kunal Yadav has also been felicitated in almost all the states of the country with several coveted awards. Having an indepth knowledge of Astronomy viz the theory of Universe – Big bang theory, how is the universe formed, knowledge of entire galaxies, types of galaxies, the biggest gallaxy discovered till now, black matter, black hole, complete structure of our solar system and planets, mass and diametre of planets, distance of planets from the sun, number and name of natural satallites every planet have, complete knowledge of the earth and its atmosphere, about NASA and ISRO and all his space missions.
Extremely fluent in expressing things with total ease in hindi as well as english Kunal Yadav is also well versed in Science possessing a unique and outstanding knowledge of periodic table, structure of atom, ( electron, proton and neutron), mass and charges on electron, proton n neutron and exclusive knowledge about human brain up to 12th standard.
Apart from all this he is completely fluent about the names of all the subcontinents, oceans, detailed minute knowledge of the World map, India’s Map n maps of various states of the countries including names of the countries, their area, capital and population globally. About India he can name on tips, its states, union territories, total languages spoken here, about rivers, deserts, languages spoken and even the nick names of the states with various other micro information.
He also possesses indepth outstanding knowledge about the Indian president, prime minister, all ministers, political parties and the ideologies they represent.
Wishing Kunal Yadav alias the google boy all the very best.