The World Is Becoming Smaller!

“Technology Is A Useful Servant, But A Dangerous Master”
~ Christian Lous Lange
The world has become a global village now. Technology has been upgraded. Many new ideas have been introduced in the society. People have become very modernized and have started living a happy and well-settled life. People, once, used to talk, express their feelings, put forward their views and opinions, ask about someone’s well being by using telegrams or by writing letters but now owing to the internet people are empowered to communicate and share their thoughts via social media apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Not only this, but we also used to study in classrooms and were scared of our teachers but this generation uses modern means like distance learning programs to study learn and be well educated.

Use Technology Wisely!
There are also various advantages and disadvantages of technology upgradation, modernization, and industrialization. The advantages are that we have a global reach with each other, faster connectivity, and have made our lives easier by speeding up everyday services. People instead of going to markets shop from online stores which provides them with better deals, sales, and prices as compared to the olden times. People can also do business over the internet and social networks. They can connect to many people while working on the computers, phones, etc…
Also, many new friends can be made and many adventurous things explored using the internet. We can travel from one place to another by booking tickets online which saves time and money, instead of going to the ticket counter. We can make many improvements in our industries using modern machines and technologies and can make our Earth a better place to live in. We can also prepare ourselves for any emergencies in advance, with the help of the Internet, and during stressful situations can easily reach out to people for help.

Let Technology Be The Slave And Not The Master!
However, there are also some disadvantages prevailing due to our world becoming small. With reducing distances and falling barriers, the rise of social media and the extensive use of mobile phones around the world have let to distances in relations. In the modern-day world, a birthday wish is conveyed through Whatsapp, invites sent by mail, etc., all of which have reduced the warmth and compassion existing in the relationships. Not only this, the booming technological advancements and artificial intelligence, there is a multi-fold increase in the rate of unemployment. With machines replacing men, more and more are left jobless.
So also, today, whatever we search for or wish for is just a click away but the problem which tags along with this is rapidly increasing cybercrimes, lack of authenticity, etc..

World Is Becoming Smaller
Thus, like every coin has two faces, the world becoming smaller, where on one hand has made lives much easier and networking much stronger, but on the other, has done all this and more, at the cost of our relations, breached our security, intruded our privacy, propagated social disharmony and made us more mechanical than human. So, next time we say technology is a boon and never a bane, think twice!