Two personalities in conversation. PM was fond of reading biographies of eminent personalities.

The prime minister Narendra Modi’s interview today aired by all the news channels of the country seemed more like an exercise to capitalise its outcome in view of the ongoing general election.
Political analysts ask: why is it that the prime minister Modi has not held a single press conference during the last five years of his tenure thus not respecting the demand of the fourth estate of the country, a significant fourth pillar of Indian constitution to democratically question the prime minister on various significant domestic national n international issues?
Why is it that he had not put himself forth to the media of the country in order to explain his achievements n failures, necessary in a democratic set up and in largest democracy of the world.
It had been the customery rather that a prime minister should have invited the media in good humour n interacted with them on various significant national n international issues thus clarifying doubts on issues of national n global significance if any? Majority of the PMs, rather all the previous prime ministers have addressed press at least once in a year
Why is it that only during the election time only he is giving interviews to news channels of his choice being aired nationally ask people of the country ?
The interview of the prime minister Narendra Modi by popular actor Akshay Kumar today, termed as non political has indeed surprised and shocked mahority of the the country men, eapecially when the latter asked PM questions like exchange of gifts and the licking of mangoes ( habit n style) of prime minister like commoners.
Though extremely interesting and viewed by billions of people nationally and globally the interview highlighted the non political aspect of the prime minister Modi’s daily activities and actions showing him to be one of the most serious prime minister of the country who never takes phone calls while busy in his official duties or dealing with problems or talking to someone in person but also ensures that no official in his meetings gets involved in mobile phone activities.
He also revealed his interest n hobby during his early days as a young boy about attentively reading the bio-graphies of eminent personalities of the country n world, obviously meaning that he had been influenced by their great actions to do something big in life.
He was also catagorical to mention that he never ever expected that he’ll be the prime minister of the country one day.
It just happened as he continued with his mission of public service with utmost dedication n hard work.
He further revealed about his immense affection and love for his mother who sometimes stays in the PM house as well but due to his utmost busy schedule he could only meet her at 12 in the night, thereby not able to spare time to mix with her. For him work is worship adds prime minister Modi.
The non political interview of prime minister Narendra Modi taken by actor Akhay Kumar though touched various personal aspects of the former and sends across a great message, inspiring many, the people of the country would have been more satisfied and happy, had it touched the real or core issues concerning the country’s national n burning topic/ questions like employment, agrarian crisis, after effects of demonetisation and GST, successes n failures of the present government on bringing back black money stashed in foreign banks as promised earlier, so on and so forth.
The interview looked more like a sponsored one than the interaction covering the significant domestic n global affairs.
The timing of the interview seems to be unacceptable and as such the nature of questions posed to the political CEO of the country could also not infact put a positive impact on the people of the country who were expecting something extremely serious and pro people announcements from the mouth of the prime minister Narendra Modi on whom the people of the largest democracy rely upon these days.
As far as actor Akshay Kumar is concerned, he deserves all kudos for having been able to interview the prime minister of the largest democracy of the world so conveniently n with ease despite the hard fact that majority of the senior most accredited journalists and editors of the country were not fortunate or lucky enough to have availed the opportunity to do so during the last five years as the actor could succeed in doing so.
According to National Herald news PM Modi’s desperation seems to be evident as Nikhil Wagle pointed out in his tweet, “After 3 phases of voting Modi needs actor Akshay Kumar to promote him. He seems to have lost confidence in his ‘achievements’ of 5 years!”
According to T S Bhandari a social activist n entrepreneur :
I am neither socked or surprised of the interview of NaMo with a film actor who is one of his strategic propagator since long time but projected as follower. It would be an opener for those who were not clear about the character within the NaMo. A person with a small sense would now understand the tactics Modi is applying to return to power again. It is clear example of overreacting, as an interview of PM of the largest democracy of the world taken by a film actor at the time of LS elections, rather by an accredited journalist of national news channel who would ask the PM for his failure to deliver all the promises he had made during last LS elections. What a mockery on Indian democracy..?
What’s your take friends?