VEGANISM: what and why of it all

Veganism has been all the rage for a few years now. With more and more Vegans popping across the globe parading (and sometimes forcing) around their food choices, we can’t help but wonder what it is. Even though most of us are unaware of the matter, we can’t dismiss Veganism as a food choice for long.
So today, I am attempting to educate you (and myself) about this new food trend called Veganism!
Let’s understand what veganism is first. I should tell you, it’s not at all a modern concept, though it gained popularity in the contemporary era. I’ll give you the gist in terms of a story:
“In a far far away land of England, there existed a society of vegetarians. It was known as the Leicester Vegetarian Society. They were a grassy lot, sticking to fruits and vegetables for their sustenance. One fine day, a few within them decided to break away from traditionalism and make their own society of VEGANS!”
Hence veganism came to be in the year 1944. The members of the Vegan Society decided not to indulge in any animal-based product. Things like milk, eggs, cheese, or any product of animal origin were avoided along with meat.
There are many reasons why so many people have been choosing a vegan lifestyle these days. Most prominent and valid of them all, in my opinion, is the environment. The animal industry affects the environment in multitudes. Mass-produced animal products cause higher greenhouse gas emissions. This leads to an increase in global temperature. In addition to this, animal agriculture tends to be a water-intensive process. Many forested areas are cleared out for pastures or farming, which again has a negative impact on the environment.
Like everything else, there are many types of veganism. Main branches are:
- Dietary vegans: Also known as “plant-based eaters”, these people avoid animal-based products in their diets but continue to use them in other products.
- Whole-food vegans: A rich diet of whole foods is preferred by people in this category. This includes vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds and such.
- Low-fat, raw-food vegans: Also called fruitarians speaks for itself. People under this category eat mostly fruits. Other plants are eaten in minimal quantities.
- Raw-food vegans: Preferred choice of food is raw or anything cooked below 48ºC (118ºF).
Vegans avoid any and all products that contain any kind of animal product in it. Meat, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy, and honey are at the top of the list. Some even avoid animal derivatives such as gelatine, pepsin, and whey.
What vegans indulge in are veggies, fruits, beans, and plant-based products. Things like tofu replace eggs and tempeh is used instead of cheese. Beans and lentils try to replace meat. In addition to this, they consume a lot of whole grains.
So this was a basic run-down of everything Vegan. In my opinion, veganism isn’t the final solution to environmental concerns, as some on the internet seem to claim. The mass-production of any product will lead to substantial pollution. This includes vegan products. Also, products of veganism don’t come cheap. They are far less affordable than normal products. Hence, many of us are still drawn towards the traditional items available. Rather, there should be a balance in our consumption habits. Transforming back to the traditional butcher system would help with industrial pollution. Boycotting mass-produced items would do the same. Furthermore, people should try to limit their meat consumption as well.
Either way, an individual’s choice of food depends on them and all we can do is make them aware of the facts. The conscious decision lies with them in the end.
Let me know how you liked this and if at all you would consider veganism?