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December 22, 2024 4:47 PM


Ways To Simplify Your Life



Read Time: 4 minutes

As we grow older, our life gets more and more complicated. Multiple deadlines, home responsibilities, social engagements and dozens of other things to consider before we can even think of taking out some time for ourselves.
Without any respite, it can sometimes get too overwhelming to handle everything at once but fret not, O reader! For we are here to help you simplify your life with a few simple tips.
Now, all the points we are going to talk about here are extremely simple yet difficult to follow through when you are really struggling with time. But once you manage to integrate them into your daily life by the force of habit, they are mighty beneficial.
So let us start without further ado –

Deep Breathing

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This is a really obvious one but its worthy of being the first tip to be mentioned because of how important it is. Deep breathing helps us calm ourselves by the most basic mechanism. It ensures an ample supply of oxygen into our lungs which results in more oxygen-rich blood, that is, more nourishment and energy for our cells and in turn our whole body. More oxygen in the brain also helps keep us alert and more aware of our surroundings and options. It means quick thinking, better decision making and less panicking.
There is a reason why deep breathing exercises are a part of every meditation and exercise regime. So make sure to just stop for a moment and take a deep breath every now and then to ensure better functionality which can really simplify your life amidst all the crazy schedules.


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Talking about crazy schedules brings us to our second point pertaining to task management. If you have an organized idea of everything you need to do within a certain time frame, it really saves time and makes it easier for you to actually complete your tasks.
Lists or planners are seriously helpful in this aspect as since you have everything written just in front of you, the chances of missing something lessens by a lot, saving both your time and energy which you can put towards other pressing issues and thus simplifying your life to at least some extent.

Reward SystemSee the source image

Completing tasks and meeting deadlines are important but so is rewarding yourself over a job well done. As the old children’s rhyme goes- ‘All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.’

Taking breaks and rewarding yourself a bit with small things you like helps in bettering your concentration and keeps you motivated for a long time which is perfect for long-term plans. Of course, too much reward is as bad as no reward, but that is an obstacle you can get over if you keep your goals in mind. That being said… we believe you can do it! Go Reader Go!

Be kind to thyself

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This one actually relates to our relationships with people around us. Man is a social animal, we thrive in communities and as such our relationships with others form an important aspect of our lives. If our relations with others are strenuous or complicated, it goes without saying that it will affect other aspects too.

With that in mind, be mindful of the people around you, be considerate and get along with others but don’t forget to be kind to yourself. If you are uncomfortable doing something, then don’t. If you don’t like something, say so. It’s okay to stop once in a while too because as much as other tasks and people are important, you are important too. So being kind to yourself is an important step towards simplifying your life.

Love yourself

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And that brings us to the last of our simple tips to simplify your life and that is to love yourself. It’s similar to but really different from our previous point or shall we say the next level.
Loving yourself, accepting yourself as you are no matter what others say, is a very important step towards simplifying your life. You are your own person; you have your own path, your own journey like all the others. You have your own talent, strength, and weaknesses and despite everything, you are a wonderful person.

So believe in yourself, accept yourself, speak yourself and love yourself, because once you really start to, life with all its struggles and hardships, will be simpler, from just the fact that you won’t have to carry any unnecessary baggage around while trying your best.

Bhasha Dwivedi is an English literature student. She loves reading, anime, drama, and writing. She is also interested in cultural studies.

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