Welcome To The Era Of Digital Platforms!

The days when education was restricted to only the classrooms is now history. Though there isn’t a tach for traditional schooling/classroom methodologies, with this pandemic shutting us all indoors, it is practically impossible in the recent times to go for the conventional ways and means of education.
Not only this but even once the Corona leaves this world for the good, utmost care is to be maintained to safeguard one’s self. So, does that mean pausing the journey of education? I guess, no; for digital platforms are there to rescue.

Now is the time to learn digitally!
Be it courses for upskilling one’s self or be it internships, be it online tests or be it class assignments, digital platforms have come to the rescue of mankind. These platforms have tremendously helped every individual in realizing their full potential. In addition, they have also ensured that the journey of education isn’t halted due to this pandemic.

E-Learning Is The New Way!
Be it a school goer or a college sophomore, a working professional or a freelancer, these amazing online education platforms have something for everyone who comes to them. From language courses to virtual MBA programs, these platforms have a plethora of courses available, that too at unbelievably affordable rates. Not only this, but many platforms have also taken a step forward by making courses free during these stressful times so that an individual’s will to get upgraded doesn’t take a toll.
So today, we bring you some of the best online education platforms which are sure to help you acquire the necessary skills in order to attain your professional, career, or life goals.
Be it technology, business, or creativity, Lynda is there to help you with all. Founded in 1995, this digital platform was the pioneer of the e-learning industry back then and even today continues to be one of the most prominent educative platforms. Presently, owned by LinkedIn, it has its tutorials in five languages. So, if you prefer visual learning, then is probably the perfect option for you.

A name that has been quite famous since its very inception in 2010, Udemy is a widely used e-learning platform. One of the most popular and biggest websites for online courses, this website has leading experts teaching a variety of courses. Be it free courses or paid courses, Udemy has it all. Not only this, the timely discounts it gives, is a breather for many students wishing to learn and upskill themselves. So why wait to learn!

If you are keen on learning from experts and experienced professors belonging to internationally acclaimed universities like that of Harvard, MIT, UCLA, Michigan, etc then this platform is just for you. One of the leading providers of massive open online courses, Coursera aims to provide its students with the best of the courses available. From language courses to technical degree courses, and from marketing specializations to software specific modules, this digital platform provides all this and more at no cost. Courser believes that all its students should have equal opportunity to be empowered with knowledge and thus, don’t charge a penny for learning. However, if one is looking for exclusively for certification as a means to validate the knowledge earned or to add to the resume, then Coursera has that option too, and at quite reasonable rates. So, get, set, and be ready to learn!

A non-profit online educational website, edX is one of the best options for free online upskilling. Founded jointly in 2012 by Harvard University and MIT, it offers fully online courses on psychology, engineering, and much more. Though most of the courses are paid, but what comes as a benefit is an official certificate proving one’s accomplishment.

Looking for a digital platform dedicated to technology? If yes, then Udacity comes as the perfect option for you. Much cheaper than traditional schooling methods, Udacity believes in making higher education accessible in an affordable and effective way. Be it courses on data science or iOS, Android, or web development, Udacity comes handy for all the knowledge seekers.