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January 31, 2025 9:28 PM


What Women Really Want on Women’s Day



What Women Really Want on Women's Day.
Read Time: < 1 minute

If we must celebrate a day for women, let us celebrate freedom from stereotypes, from expectations, from idolisation, from sacrifice.

1) Stop congratulating women for being the secret behind a successful man. Start saluting them for being successful.

2)Stop saying the mother is sacred for all the sacrifices she makes. Try to reduce those sacrifices!

3)Stop telling women they are beautiful. Try telling them it’s not important to be beautiful!

4)Stop praising her roles as mother, wife, daughter, sister. Celebrate her as an individual, a person who is independent of relationships.

5) Stop justifying her necessity to multi-task. Give her a chance not to!

Stop these constructs which are aimed at making her strive for an impossible balance. Let her be inadequate and happy!

Let her be imperfect, whimsical, irresponsible, boorish, lazy, fierce, opinionated, loud, flabby, ungroomed, adventurous, unpredictable, unprepared, impractical.
Let her be.

Accept Unconditionally!

Manisita hails from Kolkata and has a Bachelors in Economics from St.Xavier's University. She is currently planning to create her own brand of sustainable fashion. Her goals are to create more awareness about sustainability methods that can be adopted in the fashion industries and in our lifestyles. She is also interested in culinary and she cooks too to sharpen her culinary skills. She also plans to expand her mother's business in the field of food entrepreneurship, in the near future.

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