Which way is the Uttarakhand politics going?

Unique is politics and unique are its ways and obviously unique are our politicians, particularly the one who has seen political power in the recent and for the first time and that too in the form of a full fleged cabinet minister in the Uttarakhand government. There is a saying in Hindi when somebody unexpectantly achieve more than what he or she deserves, then his or her unmitigated urge or lust to beseige more power or publicity develops by leaps and bounds and in this process to seek cheap publicity the politician at the helm forgets or pretend to forget the basic norms of the system. It’s true that in politics the ruling BJP and the opposition Congress are ideologically, the two distant opposite poles who can’t in any case ever think for each others welfare. But in certain official dealings, norms have to be followed to maintain official protocol and descipline. When there is official inauguration of any scheme or project by any VIP, the name of the area MP and MLA is always and usually mentioned in the inauguration plates alongwith the name of the VIPs executing the projects or cutting the ribbon. But in Uttarakhand it’s not the case. Just today our honourable prime minister Narendra Modiji was the chief guest at historic Kedarnath temple where he launched certain projects for the upside down upgradation and development of Kedarnath Temple sites. About four inauguration plates were fitted at the site of the launching by honourable PM but to the utter dismay, surprise and shock of the local MLA Manoj Rawat who happens to be a non BJPite, his name was abruptly missing from the name plates despite the fact that he is the duly elected MLA of Kedarnath constitiency and instead the name of Uttarakhand’s Education Minister Dhan Singh Rawat was decoratively mentioned alongwith the prime minister and chief minister in golden letters . If sources are to be believed the earlier inauguration plates were re prepared n fixed over the old frame and the name of Uttarakhand Education Minister was added to it abruptly and deliberatedly sidelining the name of the local MLA Manoj Rawat. This sounds absurd, arbitrary and unconstitutional and also speaks of the fact as to how badly the political power has pierced into the heads of the Uttarakhand ministers who have become so power and publicity hungry that not even care for protocols and fellow lawmakers. This attitude of the minister concerned also reflects the fact that he wants to make every government programme related to to development of the state as his party’s affair and do not want to give even the minutest of the credibility to the non BJP lawmakers, even if the schemes or projects are being launched in their constituencies. This sqieezed attitude is being slammed everywhere in Uttarakhand’s socio political circles. What’ s your intelligent take on this friends?