Yogi Aditya Nath says Taj Mahal is our Cultural heritage and international pride

The saffron robed outspoken chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath has given a strong rebuttal to his own party lawmaker Sangeet Som on his highly controversial statement on Taj Mahal and raking up of the 400 old history, turning it upside down saying that it hardly matters who made this historic monument and why but the hard fact can’ t be ruled out that Taj is a historical monument that represents our historical cultural heritage and is built out of the sweat and blood of thousands of Indians without whom it wouldn’t have been possible.
Without given any weitage to Sangeet Som’s controversial stand on Taj Mahal terming it the construction by a king who’s son tortured him in jail and by Moghuls who exploited the Hindus, Yogi Adityanath emphatically said that the whole country knows that it’s the seventh wonder of the world and visited by millions of tourists every year including the foreign heads of the state and international tourists thus promoting tourism and earning for the state and the country. Giving damn to Som’s provocative statement, Yogi Adityanath revealed that he is visiting Agra on 26th of October, 2017 to flagoff a whopping scheme of 370 crores for the complete facelift of Agra and the vicinity adjacent Tajmahal for the convenience, comfort of the local populace and in order to make this historic state neat and clean under the flagship programme of prime minister Narendra Modi called SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAAN.
The UP CM was speaking to the reporter of a news channel. While Yogi Adityanath had been considered as the Hindu trump card of BJP for the forthcoming 2019 elections by political analysts and his rivals but the chief minister catagorically says that he is the CM of all communities whether they are from majority or minority. He pledges to pay equal attention to everyone of them without any discrimination. He says Hinduism is a way of life and India’s deep rooted socio cultural heritage.
It never promotes discrimination but believes in the principle of respect for all religions, SARV DHARM SAMBHAAV. On being questioned on the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya n preparation of massive celebration of Deepawali in Ayodhya to derive political advantage, Yogi Adityanath said that the matter being under the purview of Supreme Court is subjudiced and has nothing to say except that the court’s decision would be acceptable to all. It may be recalled that the controversial lawmaker Sangeet Som has in a public meeting raised a controversy about Taj Mahal accusing the Mughal dynasty of perpetrating violence against Hindus and terming the 7th Wonder of the World as the symbol of slavery. Yogi while giving a strong rebuff to his own lawmaker termed it as India’s significant cultural heritage and global pride.